Learning objectives
To give the basis of Human Genetics for the understanding of the pathogenesis of the diseases with a genetic basis
Course unit content
Human Genetics
Full programme
Classification of the genetic bases of the human diseases: mendelian and complex diseases
Classification and effect of the DNA mutations
Human chromosomes and thier numerical and structural abnormalities
The mendelian inheritance: the autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked inheritance
Consanguineity and the calculation of recurrence risksin the recessive disesase
Elements of population genetics: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and its applications for the calculation of the allelic and genotypic frequencies
Examples of bayesian calculations applied to the recurrence of disease with incomplete penetrance and to the X-linked diseases.
Genetic maps and linkage analysis: general principles
Multifactorial diseases and linkage disequilibrium
Atypical inheritance: digenic, mithocondrial, imprinting
Techniques of genetic and cytogenetic analysis
Thompson & Thompson: GENETICS IN MEDICINE. Elsevier, Eight Edition, 2016
Teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria
Multiple choice questionnaries
Other information