Learning objectives
Students will learn fundamentals on the chemical composition of food, on the chemical transformation occurring upon technological treatment (i.e. cooking, ripening), and on the analytical tools for measuring the changes in composition.
Basic knowledge of general and organic chemistry
Course unit content
Main macrocomponents in food: water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins. Chemical characterization of grains, meat, oils and fats. Reactions occurring upon heating, pH changes, and oxygen exposure: Maillard reaction, caramelization, oxidation, hydrolysis, isomerization.
Fundamentals on organoleptic properties: colour, taste, flavor. Fundamentals on composition analysis.
Full programme
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T. P. Coultate, “La Chimica degli Alimenti”, Ed. Zanichelli (Bologna, 2004).
P. Cabras, A. Martelli, "Chimica degli alimenti“, Ed. Piccin (Padova, 2004)
Teaching methods
Taught class with case studies
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam in two parts:
PART 1: Multiple choice quiz (20 questions in 30 minutes, right answer = 1 point, wrong answer: 0 point; threshold: 12 points)
PART 2: Only for those above threshold: 2 open questions on general topics to be addressed in 1 hour.
In case of remote exams, Part 1 will be held on Teams under the same modalities. Part 2 will be turned into an oral exam via Teams.
Other information
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