cod. 1007702

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - Second semester
Daniele DEL RIO
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche dietetiche applicate (MED/49)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims at providing the basics of human nutrition to understand the effects of nutrient/food/diet on human physiology, metabolism and health. The role of food and diet on non-communicable disease will be also evaluated. Students will develop the ability to: evaluate the food product labelling, focusing the attention on nutritional labels and nutrition and health claims; revise and discuss scientific work on nutritional topics; discuss different dietary regimes. Finally, the main instruments used to obtain information about food intake will be applied.


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Course unit content

Human digestive tract physiology, macronutrient digestion and absorption.
Human nutrition and health: primary and secondary prevention, epidemiological evidence on non-communicable diseases.
Basic principles of human dietetics.
Food allergies and intolerances.
Microbiota and host health: role of colonic microbiota in human pathologies.
Nutritional and health claims, functional foods and novel foods.

Practical activities:
- Food label: evaluation of the list ingredient, nutritional table and nutritional and/or health claims
- Critical revision and oral discussion of a scientific paper on nutritional topics
- Dietary regimes: scientific evidence and health promotion/risk of the most popular diets
- Food intake investigation: Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and Food Diary

Full programme

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- Jim Mann & Stewart Truswell: Essentials of Human Nutrition - Oxford University Press;
- Aldo Mariani Costantini, Carlo Cannella, Gianni Tomassi, Alimentazione e nutrizione umana. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore.

Teaching methods

Classroom lessons and teamwork

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning will be assessed through a written (multiple answer) examination held immediately at the end of the frontal lessons and with oral examinations/colloquium spread along the academic year. The evaluation will be based on the whole set of contents proposed during the course and and questions about all the topics will be asked in both written and oral examinations.
The written exam will account for 40 questions and 24 correct answers is the minimum to pass it.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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