cod. 1007278

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course - Second semester
Maria Teresa BERGHENTI
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Laboratori professionali dello specifico ssd
Type of training activity
25 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL TRAINING II

Learning objectives

To acquire the ability to perform activities of prevention, evaluation and functional rehabilitation of the communicative, linguistic and cognitive disabilities studied during the 1st and 2nd year of the course by applying different methods of evaluation and intervention, Planning the Times and checking out-comes.


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Course unit content

The laboratory allows to deepen from the most practical point of view the evaluation and rehabilitation Logopedica of the DSA and the disorders of the language of the evolutionary age treated during the second year in the Didactics Professional (MED50)

Full programme

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Collana di libri edita in collaborazione con la Federazione Logopedisti Italiani diretta da L. Marotta
1)"I Disturbi del linguaggio". Ed. Erickson
2)E. Mariani, L. Marotta, M. Pieretti (a cura di) "Presa in carico ed Intervento nei disturbi dello sviluppo" Ed. EricKson
3) L. Sabbadini " "La disprassia in età evolutiva. Criteri di valutazione ed intervento" Ed. Springler
4) L. Sabbadini " Disturbi specifici del linguaggio, disprassie e funzioni esecutive. Con una raccolta di casi clinici ed esempi di terapia." Ed. Springler
5)"Percorsi di Riabilitazione. Funzioni secutive nei Disturbi di Linguaggio". Ed. Erickson
Collana di libri edita in collaborazione con la Federazione Logopedisti Italiani diretta da L. Marotta 1)"Intervento logopedico nei DSA. La Dislessia". Ed. Erickson
2)"Intervento logopedico nei DSA. La Discalculia". Ed. Erickson
3)"Intervento logopedico nei DSA. La Scrittura" Ed. Erickson
4)"Funzioni esecutive nei DSA Ed. Erickson

Teaching methods

The laboratory foresees different types of didactic activities:
-Theoretical/practical in-depth seminars on topics addressed in professional didactics (MED50) during the second year (e.g. D.S.A.)
-Study of clinical cases through video vision, clinical data analysis (anamnestic and clinical data, LOGOPEDICI test results, rehabilitation projects...)

Assessment methods and criteria

The workshop foresees the active participation of the students in the classroom this operating mode allows to verify the learning of the students themselves.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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