Learning objectives
The course has theoretical and practical purposes. In theory, students will acquire the knowledge of the awareness of translations teories as a discipline, through a diachronic panorama of the guidelines that have characterized the evolution of translation studies since its origins; in practice, they will improve their language skills and in particolar the ability to translate from French to Italian and from Italian to French. Particular attention will be given to the translation of idiomatic expressions, multiple linguistic registers, rhetorical figures and lexical nuances. The work on the texts will cover the translation into french of francophone (especially caribbean) literary works in contemporary times and will allow to highlight the peculiarity of the narrative of that geographical area.
Good knowledge of written and oral French and basic translation skills.
Course unit content
The course will be structured according to the following topics
Introduction to the translation concept
Multidisciplinary aspects of translation
The concept of translation as rewriting
Critical analysis of the translation choices in the texts examined
Edouard Glissant, Le quatrième siècle, Paris, Gallimard. Traduzione italiana Il quarto secolo, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro
Louis Philippe Dalembert, Le crayon du bon dieu n’a pas de gomme, Paris, Traduzione italiana La matita del buon dio non ha la gomma,Roma, edizioni lavoro.
Emile Ollivier, Passages, Paris, qualsiasi edizione. Traduzione italiana, Passaggi, Parma, Nuova editrice Berti
Patrick Chamoiseau, Texaco, Paris, Gallimard, Folio, traduzione italiana Patrick Chamoiseau, Texaco, qualsiasi edizione.
Testi di riferimento teorici:
Edouard Glissant, Introduction à une poétique du Divers, Paris, Gallimard.
Jean-René Ladmiral, Sourciers et ciblistes. Les profondeurs de la traduction, Paris, Les Belles Lettres-
Henri MESCHONNIC, Poétique du traduire, Lagrasse, Verdier.
Teaching methods
- Front lesson;
- Audio and Video materials;
- Literary texts.
Assessment methods and criteria
Verification of the knowledge will be evaluated through a written and oral exam preparation and an oral test. Admission to the oral examination will only be possible for students who have obtained at least 18/30 at the written test.
Written test will test the student’s ability to translate from French to Italian a text of francophone author and to propose criticism of a translation already published on the italian publishing market.
The oral examination will verify the theoretical aspects illustrated during the course. The students will have to prove that they know how to contextualise, argue and interpret the contents of the course with critical abilities