cod. 1002332

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives


1) Knowledge and understanding.

This module aims at providing students with basic knowledge and understanding of:
- electric systems behavior in steady state, quasi steady state and dynamic conditions;
- electromechanical system behavior
- electric circuit analysis
- energetic behavior of electric systems
- magnetic circuit behavior under linear assumption

2) Applying knowledge and understanding

Students will be able to:
- analyzing and designing electric circuits
- compensate the reactive power in electric power plants
- make use of analog or digital voltmeter, ampere meter and wattmeter


1) Knowledge and understanding

This module aims at providing students with basic knowledge and understanding of:
- analysis techniques for first- and second-order systems in the frequency domain
- transfer functions and frequency response functions
- characteristics and behavior of feedback systems
- methods for evaluating the stability of linear systems
- circuits for analog signal processing based on operational amplifiers

2) Applying knowledge and understanding

Students will be able to:
- analyze the behavior of linear systems, and in particular of first- and second-oder systems, by frequency domain analysis
- analyze behavior and stability of feedback systems
- analyze the operation of simple circuits based on operational amplifiers


Students must be familiar with the concepts and methods treated in the mathematics and physics courses of the first two years of the degree (Analisi matematica 1, Analisi matematica 2, Fisica generale 1, Fisica generale 2).

Course unit content


a) Electric Systems in steady state conditions.
b) Electric Systems in quasi steady state conditions. c) Electric systems dynamic behavior.
d) Magnetic circuits
e) Transformers


1) Mathematical models of mechanical, electrical, and electro-mechanica linear systems
2) Frequency domain analysis of linear systems

Full programme


a) Electric circuits in steady state conditions.
Basic of electric linear circuit theory.
Analysis of DC electric circuits
From Maxwell field theory to lumped parameters circuits. Fields, charge and current.
Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws.
Parallel and series connections for linear circuits. Wye-Delta transformation.
Node and loop analysis.
Network theorems. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem. Maximum power transfer theorem.
b) Electric circuits in quasi steady state conditions.
Second order circuits. Series and parallel RLC circuits. Analysis of AC electric circuits
Phasor representatives of sinusoidal signals. Steady-state circuit analysis using phasors. Sinuosoidal steady-state power calculations. Analysis of Three-Phase circuits.
Economical aspects of electric power transmission. Frequency Response of linear circuits.
c) Electric circuits dynamic behavior.
Transient analysis of electric circuits Inductors, Capacitors and duality. First order RL and RC circuits. Fourier series and Fourier transform.
d) Magnetic circuits
Magnetic circuit definition and magnetic materials behavior. The analysis of the magnetic circuit
e) Transformers
Equivalent circuit. No load and Short Circuit tests. Efficiency and voltage drop. Three phase transformers.

1) Mathematical models of mechanical, electrical, and electro-mechanical linear systems
Examples of mathematical models of mechanical, electrical, and electro- mechanical
Examples of mathematical models of mechanical, electrical, and electro- mechanical linear systems. Linearity and linearization. Dynamic response of 1st and 2nd order systems. Under-damped 2nd order systems: parameters of the step response.
2) Frequency domain analysis of linear systems
Laplace transform: examples and rules. Transfer functions. Step response of 1st and 2nd order systems. Series-connected systems. Feedback loops. Stability and the poles of the transfer function. Periodic regime: phasors and frequency response function. Bode plots. Bode stability criterion.



• G. Rizzoni “Elettrotecnica principi e applicazioni” McGraw-Hill
• G.Fabricatore, “Elettrotecnica ed applicazioni”, Ed. Liguori.


W. Bolton, "Mechatronics - electronic control systems in mechanical and electrical engineering", 4th ed., Pearson Educational, ISBN 978-0-13- 240763-2.

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures and exercises solved by the instructor and by

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam. There is a single exam for the two modules making up the integrated course. As far as Applicazioni industriali Elettriche students will have to demonstrate knowledge of the techniques for the time analysis and synthesis of electric systems including energy behavior.
It is considered important that student be able to solve simple quantitative exercises by hand calculation. Students will have to demonstrate knowledge of the techniques for the time-domain and frequency-domain analysis of linear systems treated in the lectures, and the ability to apply them. They are also expected to be able to analyze the behavior of simple circuits based on operational amplifiers. It is considered important that students be able to solve simple quantitative exercises by hand calculation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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