cod. 1004352

Academic year 2014/15
2° year of course - First semester
Federica BIANCHI
Academic discipline
Chimica analitica (CHIM/01)
Discipline chimiche
Type of training activity
55 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: the students will acquire information about chemometrics and elaboration of data deriving from industrial processes by developing a critical thinking related to the managment of industrial processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to solve problems related to their working activity.
Making judgements: the students will be able to evaluate the results obtained and to promote innovation.
Communication skills: the students will be able to support and expose their thinking.


Knowledge of the concepts related to the course of Chemometrics I

Course unit content

Process optimization
Control charts

Principal component analysis

Discriminant analysis


Hotelling's T-square

Full programme

Process optimization (Experimental design, full factorial designs, fractional factorial designs, Plackett-Burmann designs, experimental error evaluation, desirability functions)

Quality control: control charts
(Shewhart charts,Shewhart individuals control charts CUSUM charts, R-charts, D-charts, p-charts, np-charts, c-charts). Attention and warning limits.

Data evaluation.

Principal component analysis

Cluster analysis

Discriminant analysis


Hotelling's T-square


R. Todeschini "Introduzione alla Chemiometria" Ed. EDISES

E. Belluco "Strumenti statistici per il controllo dei processi" Franco Angeli Ed.

Teaching methods

The course develops in 40 hours of frontal teching during the which the students are guided to the understanting of the concepts of chemometrics and in 15 hours of laboratory (computer elaboration of data)

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination to verify:
the acquisition of basic and advanced concepts of chemometrics for data elaboration

the ability to use the acquired knowledge to solve new problems as required to friutfully enter the professional life

Other information

didactic material is available to the students

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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