Learning objectives
Promote the capacity for analysis of communication processes on an interpersonal level and the interaction between micro-and macro-social cpmmunication dynamics.
Graduated high school.
Course unit content
The forms of knowledge and communication in contemporary society.
Full programme
The course is divided into two parts. The first part will discuss the epistemological basis of the notions of knowledge and social relations, with particular reference to '"ecology of mind" by G. Bateson. The second part will discuss the four forms of human communication throughout history, from primitive society to modern society, from the perspective of the theory called "Coordinated Management of Meanings": monocultural, ethnocentric, modernist, cosmopolitan.
For attending and not attending:
1. S. Manghi, La conoscenza ecologica, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2004.
2. B. Pearce, Comunicazione e condizione umana, Angeli, Milano, 1993.
Teaching methods
Lectures and interactive tutorials.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written test, oral optional. The written test consists of 4 open-ended questions to be answered in 45 minutes. Oral: permitted to those who have achieved a minimum score of 24/30 in the written test, after about a week (the date will be announced on the day of the written test). The addition of praise to score 30/30 requires in any case the oral exame.
Other information
Updates and clarification in the personal professor's website :