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Apply for Social and clinical applied psychology

Second cycle degree course
Access by qualifications
course in Italian
class LM-51
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

The second-cycle degree in Psychology of Clinical and Social Intervention qualifies graduates to work as psychologists and aims to train professionals capable of designing, implementing and evaluating psychological interventions.

The study programme offers highly specialised training, combining the transmission of knowledge of the most advanced psychological theories in the clinical, social and developmental fields, with the application of this knowledge in the various contexts in which psychological interventions are implemented.

The various specialised courses on offer give students the opportunity to customise their training. The active tutoring service fosters motivation, facilitates the organisation of examinations and avoids prolonging graduation time.

Moreover, the course utilises online teaching platforms to meet the specific students' needs. The high interdisciplinary training is complemented by innovative research programmes, practical laboratories and Practical Apprenticeship activities, carried out in collaboration with many specialised facilities in the area. Study periods in partners European universities are also possible.

What you will learn

  • Intervento psicologico nelle comunità per l'infanzia - 6 CFU
  • Benessere psicologico nei contesti di apprendimento - 6 CFU
  • Psicologia sociale dei media digitali - 6 CFU
  • Un esame a scelta tra:
    • Psicologia clinica dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza - 6 CFU
    • Modelli clinico-dinamici di intervento - 6 CFU
  • Assessment e intervento sui disturbi del neurosviluppo - 6 CFU
  • Laboratorio - 3 CFU
  • Tirocinio (TPV) - 20 CFU
  • Prova pratica valutativa (PPV) - 2 CFU
  • Prova finale - 9 CFU


Mandatory attendance for workshops and Practical Evaluation Internship.

After graduation

Thanks to its professionalising features, the course is in line with the demands of the job market, as confirmed by AlmaLaurea data which shows a higher employment rate for graduates in Parma compared to the national figure. Once they have completed their studies and passed the Practical Assessment Test, master graduates may enrol in the Register of Psychologists, qualifying as Psychologists.

After enrolling in the Register, it will be possible to work in different areas, such as the public, private, private-social sectors (families, services for children, adolescents, groups, protection, organisations) or to pursue a career as a freelancer. It is also possible to pursue a Higher Education pathway by accessing Doctorate courses, second-level Masters and four-year Schools of Psychotherapy.


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We are waiting for you at Second cycle degree course Social and clinical applied psychology