Why in Parma?
Thanks to its three curricula Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Information Technologies and Systems, the degree programme in Computer Engineering guarantees high quality training programmes that are very valuable to businesses.
The teaching combines theory and practice, with laboratory experimental activities held at the Information Engineering Unit within the Department of Engineering and Architecture. Students can do their thesis as part of the research collaborations between the Department and leading companies active in cutting-edge sectors of Information Technology and Automation, such as Vislab-Ambarella, a former spin-off of the University of Parma operating in the field of artificial vision and based at the Science and Technology Campus.
Access type
Open access (entry requirements to be verified).
Are you a future non EU student? To find out how to enrol click here.
After graduation
The degree course forms highly qualified professionals working in the field of Information and Automation Technologies and in all sectors related to these technologies.
The solid preparation provided by the course enables successful entry into the world of work in various positions such as designer and manager of information systems, designer and manager of automation and logistics systems, software supervisor and designer, designer of web and distributed systems, specialist in artificial intelligence and data science, designer of robotic and autonomous systems, etc.
Il tasso di occupazione ISTAT a un anno dalla laurea è stabilmente oltre il 90% (dati di AlmaLaurea), con punte vicine al 100%. L’occupazione in settori di Ricerca e Sviluppo in aziende o enti privati o pubblici e il proseguimento degli studi nei dottorati di ricerca sono ulteriori possibilità offerte da questo titolo magistrale.