Why in Parma?
The course is held at the Science and Technology Campus, a structure unlike any other in Italy in terms of facilities and student-friendliness.
During the course you will come into contact with important realities and enjoy the international collaborations the Department has in place, including a double degree course in collaboration with the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and one with the University of San Marino.
The first year is made up of subjects related to the main scientific disciplines, while the second includes theoretical lessons and applied activities on business management, logistics/production systems management and supply chain management.
You can also supplement your course of study with the various optional activities and project/laboratory work, including practical experience, business simulation and professional training programmes.
Access type
Open access.
Before enrolling please verify the course requirements in the course didactic regulations.
Are you a future non EU student? To find out how to enrol click here.
After graduation
Typical careers for this course are in the fields of innovation and development of production, advanced design, planning and scheduling, and management of complex systems (in the liberal professions, manufacturing or service companies, and public administration).
You will find employment in manufacturing companies, service companies, financial intermediaries and the public administration for: production planning and control; organisation and human resources management; logistics: procurement, transport, distribution, supply chain management; vertical integrated production and distribution chain relations with customers and suppliers, project management with regards to the management of plant and infrastructure orders and company reorganisation projects, strategic and operational marketing both industrial (business-to-business) and aimed at the end consumer (business-to-consumer), administration, industrial accounting and management control also with reference to the analysis of complex company performance, company finance (ordinary/extraordinary), merchant & investment banking, automation of production systems.