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Health professions degree
Admission test
course in Italian
class L/SNT2
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

The degree programme is structured in three years:

    1st year - provides the student with the basic pedagogical and health knowledge, which are the foundations of the professional discipline and requirements for the first internship experience to guide students in the professional field. Orientation internships are held in the Psychiatric Hospital Services.
    2nd year - deepens the clinical knowledge and professional rehabilitation skills in the psychiatry and drug addiction fields. During the internship the student will have the opportunity to access Rehabilitation Communities for drug addicts and Psychiatric therapeutic communities for drug addicts and persons with disabilities.
    3rd year - specialisation and acquisition of methodologies of the profession, group work and gradual assumption of responsibility under experts' supervision. The internship will be carried out mainly within the Territorial Services such as U.O.C. Pathological Addictions, U.O.C. Adult Psychiatry, U.O.C. Child Neuropsychiatry.

Particular attention is paid to the acquisition of methodological skills in scientific research to support the development of theses through specific seminars.



After graduation

The Commission of the National Register of Professional Educators identifies the work opportunities for the Professional Educator:

  • residential facilities, e.g. community accommodation for minors or disabled, RSA for disabled or elderly;
  • shelters for women victims of violence;
  • residences related to mental health services for adults or minors;
  • day-care services, e.g. minor day care centres, elderly, disabled, adult day-care centres;
  • reception and integration services for citizens of other countries seeking asylum or holders of international protection;
  • work integration services;
  • hospitals, e.g. child neuropsychiatry wards, psychiatric wards;
  • territorial services of the Department of Mental Health, Pathological Addiction Service, Child Neuropsychiatry Services, Women’s Health Counselors, Social and Health Districts, Anti-Violence Centers, Foster Services, etc. ;
  • services for minors or adults subject to judicial measures, e.g. Prison Houses, Rehabilitation Communities, Residences Enforcement Security Measures;
  • proximity services, e.g. street units or homeless accommodation;
  • health prevention/promotion services;
  • university education and research.

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Dott.ssa Fulvia Fiorentino

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