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Apply for Biology

Degree course
Admission test or chronological access
course in Italian
class L-13
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

The course is housed in the Department of Chemical, Life and Environmental Sustainability Sciences (SCVSA), selected by MUR (Ministry of University and Research) as "Department of Excellence" for the five-year periods 2018-2022 and 2023-2027 consecutively, testifying to the high quality of the research and teaching.

Through the course you will acquire the basic knowledge in the main fields of Biology and multidisciplinary methodologies and technologies for biological investigation, as well as operational and applied skills in the field of biology.

The course has an optimal student-teachers ratio, which is essential for assuring a high quality of teaching, as evidenced by the high degree of satisfaction among enrolled students,  and for facilitating day-to-day relations with lecturers.

At the end of the three-year course you will have the cultural and technical/practical tools (also thanks to the pre-degree internship in university laboratories, at companies or organisations in Italy and abroad) to successfully continue your studies by enrolling in the Master's degree and/or to enter the workplace.





After graduation

The main objective of the Biology course is to equip you with the basic knowledge and methodological skills needed to access subsequent study programmes and/or for accessing the professional world directly.

You will also acquire the title of Junior Biologist by passing the relevant State Examination and registering in section B of the National Federation of Biologists' Associations. As a junior biologist, you can work in public or private institutions, in various industrial sectors, such as the biomedical or environmental fields.

On the other hand, should you wish to continue your studies you can choose from the following Master's degree courses offered at our University, without having to pay any debts: Biomolecular, Genomic and Cellular Sciences; Translational Biomedical Sciences (3 curricula: Health Biology, Neurobiology and Nutrition Biology); Ecology and Ethology for Nature Conservation (2 curricula: Ecology and Ethology); Genomic, Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology; Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; Science and Technology for the Environment and Resources (2 curricula: Water Protection and Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Protection and Enhancement of Natural Capital).
You may also enrol in other related courses by checking for any educational debts in advance.

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