Non-selective test

The readiness to follow the degree course in Physics is assessed by means of a compulsory orientation test. Although the test is not selective, it is important in guiding the student towards an informed choice of course and can therefore also be taken by those who have not yet enrolled.

Orientation test

The test is based on mathematical topics inherent in secondary school syllabuses and is intended as an overall check on the possession of basic mathematical knowledge and skills deemed relevant to attending university courses with success.

In particular, topics will include elements of logic elements of set theory equations inequalities Euclidean and analytical geometry (straight line, circumference, parabola) percentages, proportions and properties of numbers elementary properties of functions properties of exponentials and logarithms trigonometry

For topics and examples of exercises useful for fine-tuning pre-university preparation, please also consult the Mathematics Syllabus.

The outcome of the examination does not affect the possibility of enrolling in the degree course.


Registration for the test takes place online. There is no need to be already enrolled. Upon pre-enrolling, each student will receive an email with a link to register for the test. In any case, it is possible to register for the test following the link:

When registering for the test online, students with disabilities can apply for auxiliary aids and/or additional time to take the test, through the Centre for Reception and Inclusion to support vulnerable groups, students with disabilities and students with specific learning disorders.

Date, time and methods

The test for A.Y. 2024-25 will be held on September 5th 2024 at 9:15 a.m. at the Scienze Geologiche building (Pad. 07, Parco Area delle Scienze 157/A, University Campus).

IMPORTANT: the registration to the test will be closed on September 2nd at 11:45 p.m.

Further informations will be sent by email to the students already registered to the test.

Students must show an identity document. The use of pocket calculator is forbidden.


The test will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions, with a maximum time limit of 90 minutes. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 point and each incorrect answer a penalty of 0.25. The threshold for passing the test will be 10 points


The following are exempt from the test:
- students from other degree courses or already graduates who have taken at least one examination in the MAT/* scientific disciplines
- students who have already passed an equivalent test at other institutions or who have passed the CORDA exams. In both cases, you must send the certification of the test to the education secretariat of the Physics degree course, for the attention of Dr Marco Squarcia (

Educational obligation

Failure to pass the test entails an educational obligation on the part of the student. This educational obligation is deemed to be fulfilled by passing the 'Elements of Mathematics' examination (first year, first semester, 3 credits).

Course of "Elements of Mathematics"

The Elements of Mathematics course has been included to help students acquire the necessary preliminary knowledge to be able to follow the degree course in the best possible way. The course normally takes place in September and is compulsory for all students, with a final exam and evaluation in thirtieths. Since students' entrance preparation varies greatly depending on their course of study and school of origin, this link provides material (lectures plus exercises) on some basic topics in Mathematics, knowledge of which will be useful to the student in embarking on the university route.

Online precourse of mathematics

On Elly portal is available an online precourse of mathematics.
To access the teaching material of the precourse follow this path:
  • go to the page
  • click on the icona LAUREE TRIENNALI
  • click on MATEMATICA
  • click on 1o ANNO
  • the registration to the precourse is requested: click on CONTINUA
  • click on LOGIN on the left (named ACCEDI CON CREDENZIALI UNIPR): the insertion of username and password are not required.
  • in the new page insert the UNIPR login credentials (email address and password) or by means of the SPID access. If you are still not enrolled to the Degree Course in Physics, you can obtain the login credentials following the instructions at the page
  • once logged in, the teaching material of the precourse will be available.