Student tutors

The University offers its students a tutoring service, aimed at guiding and assisting students throughout their course of study.

Tutoring is carried out by all course teaching staff and students identified through an annual call for applications (link).

The University of Parma offers all its students various opportunities to foster the development of a real international dimension of university study. From exchanges in Europe through the Erasmus Plus Programme to extra-European mobility with the Overworld Programme and numerous pathways for acquiring a double degree.

Some study courses, in fact, thanks to the conclusion of international agreements with partner universities, provide the opportunity, at the end of the university course, to obtain a double degree with one or more associated foreign universities.

Departmental contact person: Prof. Roberto Sala

Student tutor

The student tutor is an experienced student or doctoral or postgraduate student who puts his or her practical experience at the service of those in need.
In particular, it is responsible for welcoming freshers, assisting with the compilation of programmes of study, advising on the range of courses on offer (curriculum, prerequisites, examinations), helping with the organisation of study and examinations, and supplementary didactic activities, helping to find information on international mobility and curricular internships, relations with the administrative services

Tutor teacher

The student can turn to the teaching staff for suggestions and explanations on courses, study and research methodology, and to overcome any obstacles that may arise in the course of study.
Peer tutoring (for students with disabilities or DSA)


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Giovanna Caselli

Manager E

President of the degree course

Prof.Antonio Percesepe

Faculty advisor TBD

Career guidance delegate TBD

Tutor Professor

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] 

Erasmus delegate

Prof.ssa Elena Masselli

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Elena Masselli

Internships  TBD

Tutor students TBD