cod. 02505

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Alessandro MUSETTI
Academic discipline
Psicologia dinamica (M-PSI/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge on psychoanalytic thought in some of its classic and more recent forms.
1. Knowledge and understanding. Students will have to achieve a good knowledge of the topics presented during the course, in particular of the authors' thinking, analyzed in its theoretical, methodological and clinical components.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. Students must show that they are able to reflect critically on the theoretical, methodological and clinical components of the authors studied, also making comparisons between the different models.
3. Autonomy of judgment. Students will have to develop autonomy of judgment, critical skills and reflection on theoretical and methodological problems, on the relationships between specific theoretical positions and on their possible applications.
4. Communication skills. Students must acquire the technical language and the ability to present and discuss the topics studied with clarity and consistency with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.
5. Learning skills. Students should be able to continue to study some recent theoretical approaches to psychoanalysis mostly independently.



Course unit content

The main theories and methods of psychoanalysisS. Freud, K. Abraham, S. Ferenczi, O. Rank, A. Adler, C. G. Jung, M. Klein, A. Freud, H. Hartmann, M. Mahler, E. Jacobson, E. Erikson, H. S. Sullivan, E. Fromm, K. Horney, D. W. Winnicott, W. R. Fairbairn, H. Kohut, J. Bowlby, P. Fonagy, W. R. Bion, M. Baranger, W. Baranger, J. Lacan, A. Green, I. M. Blanco.

Full programme

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Barbieri G. L., Psicologia dinamica. Tra teoria e metodo, Milano, Libreria Cortina, 2009.

Teaching methods

The course will be divided into different thematic modules that involve the use of lectures and classroom discussion of the issues addressed.

Assessment methods and criteria

The test consisted in a 40-minute written exam with two open questions which, in addition to assessing the knowledge and skills acquired, will allow you to evaluate the autonomy of judgment and the ability for critical reflection. Each answer is evaluated from 0 to 15 points (0 = no answer; 3 = serious errors; 6 = answer with some error or conceptual inaccuracy; 9 = sufficient presence of the requested contents but without critical re-elaboration; 12 = mastery of the contents, good critical re-elaboration and expository clarity; 15 = excellent content accuracy, clarity of presentation and ability to argue and re-elaborate in a critical way). The overall evaluation, expressed out of thirty, derives from the sum of the evaluations of the individual answers.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.corsiumanistici@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mr. Gianluca Uccelli
T. +39 0521 904891
Office E. dusic.educazione@unipr.it
Manager E. gianluca.uccelli@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof. Luana Salvarani
E. luana.salvarani@unipr.it

Guidance delegate

Prof. Marco Bartolucci
E. marco.bartolucci@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Mariangela Scarpini
E. mariangela.scarpini@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Dimitris Argiropoulos 
E. dimitris.argiropoulos@unipr.it

Prof. Laura Madella
E. laura.madella@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Diego Varini
E. diego.varini@unipr.it 

Tutor students

First year students
E. tutormatricole.educazione@unipr.it

Second and third year students
Childhood educator curriculum
E. tutorsociopedagogico.educazione@unipr.it

Second and third year students
Socio-pedagogical educator curriculum
E. tutorinfanzia.educazione@unipr.it