Learning objectives
The course deals comprehensively with issues related to energy transformation processes and their impact on the environment. In particular, sustainability is considered with reference to several aspects: energy use, renewable energy, energy transformations, use of fossil fuels in combustion processes for heating and primary engines.
Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will be able to know the main aspects and issues related to world energy consumption and to the main types of energy with reference to energy generation and utilization processes taking account of renewable and/or not renewable energy sources, engine plants, final use of energy. He/she will also acquire the basics of the concept of efficiency in energy conversion processes. Therefore he/she will have a rough idea of problems, advantages and disadvantages of the different solutions used or proposed nowadays for energy generation and use.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to make general considerations on operating characteristics, performance and pollutant emissions of power plants used for energy generation from primary sources. He/she must also be able to compare qualitatively different solutions for the generation of energy from primary sources.
Making judgments:
The student will have the tools and knowledge necessary to carry out critical investigations on energy conversion processes and solutions for the generation and use of energy.
Communication skills:
The student must have the necessary tools to effectively present evaluations and comparisons of different solutions for the realization of specific processes for energy generation through both graphic and numerical representations concerning the characterization of energy and environmental alternatives.
Learning skills:
The student will be able, starting from the basic knowledge given in the course, to acquire by himself the information, features, data that can be useful to know the main characteristics of systems and solutions used and/or proposed for energy generation and use.