Learning objectives
At the end of the course the students will have to show knowledge, ability to understand and reflect critically the topics addressed, as well as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to the interpretation of the main educational contexts for children and families. In particular, at the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
1) to know, understand and interpret the main pedagogical theories and the main educational approaches concerning the promotion of children's protagonism in the childhood contexts developed since the twentieth century;
2) to know, understand and interpret the construct of childhood image and its theoretical and epistemological foundations, acquiring the keys of reading to understand its reflection in services and educational dynamics;
3) know, know how to use and analyze the languages and some methods of observation, documentation and evaluation of the children learning in the educational context;
4) know how to design, implement and interpret an observation in the educational context for children by formulating answers to problems of a concrete or abstract type in the light of the main theories of the early childhood pedagogy within a systemic, ecological and socio-constructivist approach.
5) know how to define objectives and tools for an educational intervention in the educational context for children.
No prerequisite is necessary.
Course unit content
The course aims at analyizing both the issue of children's listening and participation in their processes of growth and development and the image of child and infancy the adults have.
The course will deal with issues and problems related to the children's voices and perspectives.
In particular, the course will deep conditions and possibilities of promoting children's autonomy and participation in different contexts and in different situations.
These issues will be discussed with reference to the fundamental Theories of Ecec education in the Twentieth Century and in particular to an ecological, systemic and socio-constructivist approach.
Full programme
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The program is the following:
L’esame di Pedagogia dell'infanzia a.a. 2020/21 verterà su:
• tutti i materiali didattici presenti sul portale della didattica online Elly, nella sezione relativa al corso di Pedagogia dell'infanzia (http://elly.dusic.unipr.it);
• Carr M. (2012), Storie di apprendimento. Documentare e valutare nei servizi per l'infanzia, Edizioni Junior - Spaggiari Edizioni, Parma.
• Bondioli A., Savio D., (2018), Educare l'infanzia. Temi chiave per i servizi 0-6, Carocci, Roma.
• Luciano E. (2017), Immagini d'infanzia. Prospettive di ricerca nei contesti educativi, F. Angeli, Milano.
Teaching methods
The course includes, in addition to lectures and theoretical reflections, even the direct involvement of students through case-studies, work-group and discussions in plenary. The students will be also involved in the analysis of different materials about pedagogical documentation.
Some experts' voices will enrich the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final assessment of the students' learning will take place through a written test that includes open questions in which will be evaluated: a) the student's knowledge on the main theories and issues dealt with; b) the capacity for critical and autonomous reflection on the proposed themes c) the ability to analyze the themes transversally to different contexts and in relation to different situations and perspectives, applying the acquired knowledge to the analysis of interventions and educational contexts.
Other information
On the Elly platform, to which it is necessary to register online, all the didactic materials related to the course and object of examination will be available.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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