cod. 1009918

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Type of training activity
25 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: PRINCIPLES OF DENTISTRY

Learning objectives

AIM: to acquire knowledge and practical skills to assess, making judgements and manage oral hygiene.
By the end of the course the student should be able to:
- have knowledge and understanding on the scientific basis of dental hygiene
- have knowledge on periodontal diseases and be able to distinguish between periodontal health, gingivitis and periodontitis
- know the epidemiology and natural history of periodontal diseases
- know the main systemic consequences of an inadequate level of oral hygiene
- record and interpret periodontal clinical data, including plaque and inflammation scores
- know the risk factors for periodontal diseases
- assess the level of oral hygiene, provide instructions and motivate the patient
- develop communication skills to educate patients to healthy lifestyles (prevention)
- know the characteristics and use of instruments for periodontal diagnosis and for oral hygiene
- be competent on the diagnosis and management of halitosis
- be competent on the diagnosis and management of dentinal hypersensitivity



Course unit content

The course offers a critical appraisal of the scientific basis and operative procedures aimed at oral hygiene maintenance and plaque control. It also evaluates the main consequences of an inadequate plaque control and considers the international guidelines

Full programme

1. Anatomy and physiology of periodontium
2. Classification of periodontal diseases
3. Epidemiology and natural history of periodontal diseases
4. Periodontal chart and periodontal assessment of the patient (collection of medical and dental history, data related to sequelae of periodontal diseases, periodontal chart, plaque and inflammation indices)
5. Communication with the patient, delivery of oral hygiene instructions, plaque control and patient motivation
6. Risk factors for periodontal diseases and how to control the modifiable ones (e.g. smoking cessation programmes)
7. Education to healthy lifestyles
8. Halitosis – diagnosis and treatment
9. Dentinal hypersensitivity – diagnosis and treatment
10. Introduction to periodontal therapy
11. Ergonomics, instruments and materials for periodontal diagnosis and plaque control (professional and home-based)
12. Oral hygiene in the orthodontic patient and in the patient wearing prosthesis
13. Oral hygiene in implant patients
14. Use of polishing, airflowing and low-abrasive powders


English edition
"Lindhe’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry", 7th Ed.; edited by Lang N, Berglundh T, GIannobile W, Sanz M.

Italian edition
Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Società Italiana di Parodontologia (SIdP). Quintessenza 2017

Selection of scientific articles

Teaching methods

Lectures, clinical case discussion, hands-on training, discussion and critical appraisal of relevant scientific literature

Assessment methods and criteria

MCQ and open answer quiz, practical skills evaluation, grading of the participation to teaching activities, oral exam to test critical thinking, acquired knowledge and personal elaboration of the topics covered during the course

Other information

It is suggested to buy a UNC15 probe, a kit of standard Gracey curettes including 7-8, 11-12, 13-14 and a sickle scaler for hand-on training

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

Health and well-being; Quality education