cod. 1007743

Academic year 2020/21
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Malattie odontostomatologiche (MED/28)
Discipline odontoiatriche e radiologiche
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ORAL MEDICINE AND DERMATOLOGY

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding skills: To provide knowledge of the physiological para- physiological lesions and
pathological diseases of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, of the teeth,
jaw bones and perioral tissues, both from the clinical and
histopathological point of view. To provide understanding of the
elementary lesions as the basis for the differential diagnosis between the
different diseases of the oral cavity.
Knowledge and applied understanding skills: To provide basic elements of the
main clinical and histopathological diagnostic procedures.
Autonomy of judgement: Ability to perform a rational diagnostic path of oral diseases. To accustom students
to the differential diagnosis of oral diseases with special reference to
their correlation with systemic diseases and drug-related pathologies. To
make early detection of potentially malignant lesions of the oral cavity
and their prevention. To understand how to prescribe and evaluate
radiological and/or laboratory examinations for diagnostic, therapeutic
and prognostic aims. To understand the importance of a correct fill of
patient’s medical record with appropriate medical history and systemic
diseases. To write a proper report of the observed disease.
Communication skills: To properly
expose the principal conditions and diseases of the oral cavity also to
non-medical users. To learn how to interact with colleagues. To become
able to use the correct medical evidence in the practice of oral medicine
and pathology.


Knowledge of anatomy, physiology and histopathology of the oral cavity.
Knowledge of the principal blood tests and their significance in clinical context.
Knowdlege of the principal radiological techniques.

Course unit content

The aim of this course is to provide the student, who is about to carry out
training activities, an overview of the main bone and mucosal diseases of the oral cavity
with particular attention to the etiopathogenesis of each condition. In
addition, the course would allow the acquisition of the basic diagnostic
and innovative techniques in order to acquire the basics of the proper
diagnostic protocol.

Full programme

Dental anomalies of number, site, position. Dental anomalies of structure and shape. Dental malformations. Dental retention. Dysodontiasis of the 3rd molar. Complications in the dysodontiasis of the 3rd molar.
-Absesses and phlegmons in the oromaxillofacial district. Osteitis and osteomyelitis of the maxillaries. Diseases of the maxillary sinus.
-Cysts of the oromaxillofacial district: Odontogenous cysts- Dysembryogenetic cysts- Mucosal cysts- Pseudocysts - Cysts in relation to systemic syndromes and diseases.
-Odontogenous tumours of the jaw: Classification- Epidemiology- Histopathology-Clinical manifestations
-Generalised, localised and drug-induced iincreases in gingival volume. Phases and diagnostic protocol of oral lesions. Clinical examination. Exfoliative cytology. Incisional and excisional biopsy.
-Elementary lesions of the oral mucosa.
-Parafisiological conditions of oral cavity.
-Diagnostic protocol for diseases of the oral mucosa. Conventional histological examination. Immunohistochemistry. Direct and indirect immunofluorescence
-Vesiculo-bullous diseases.
-Ulcerative diseases
-Autoimmune diseases
- Gengival lesions non-placca correlated
- Infectious diseases: mycotic-bacterial-viral
-Oral candidiasis: microbiological, epidemiological and clinical aspects of oral infections deriving from Candida spp.
- Human HerpesVirus-8: Correlation with oral diseases
- Vascular anomalies of the oral cavity
- Pigmentated Lesions of the oral cavity
- Oral mucositis
- Oral Premalignant lesions of the oral cavity: Oral lichen planus- Erythroplakia-Leukoplakia- Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia. Epitjelial Dysplasia and Initial carcinoma (in situ)
-Benign tumours of the oral cavity: Classification-Epidemiology-Histopathology- Clinical manifestations
-Anatomy, histology, physiology and semiotics of the major and minor salivary glands. Inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands. Degenerative diseases of the salivary glands. Obstructive diseases of the salivary glands (sialolithiasis). Benign tumours of the salivary glands. Malignant tumours of the salivary glands.
- Clinical examinations of patients with oral diseases
- Compilation of medical records and clinical and / or instrumental examinations
- Photographs of oral lesions
- Biopsies with cold blade and punch on models
- Assistance and participation in biopsies or removal of oral lesions
-Discussion of clinical cases


Regezi JA, Sciubba J. Patologia orale, Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche diagnosi alla terapia. VII edizione (2018) Edizione Italiana a cura di Umberto Romeo. Antonio Delfino Editore.
Cawson R, Zinnie, Barrett, Wright. Oral Diseases III ed Mosby (Versione Inglese)
Cawson R, Zinnie, Barrett, Wright.
Contemporary Oral Medicine A Comprehensive Approach to Clinical Practice 2018 Editors: Farah, Camile S., Balasubramaniam, Ramesh, McCullough, Michael J. (Eds.)

Teaching methods

Lectures with scientific images and discussion of clinical cases in order to
train students to gain critical skills on the topics and allow to gain an
understanding of the physiological and paraphysiological conditions and
pathological diseases of soft tissue, teeth and jaw bones in order to
develop a correct diagnostic approach and management of different
possible clinical questions that may arise during their working life.
Traineeship on models (biopsy and suture) and on patient
Discussion of clinical cases

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam in order to ensure the quality and level of knowledge and
understanding of the course content and the ability to apply the acquired
knowledge to professional practice. The trial will also evaluate the quality
of student participation during lectures.
Presence and participation of the student at clinical training and in the discussion of clinical cases during the Course.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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