cod. 1007744

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
Gianluca MAESTRI
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Discipline filosofiche, psicologiche, sociologiche e antropologiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Through the key concepts of agency and interpretive reproduction, the course will deal with the process by which children, within the different institutional systems in which they participate, experience the culture they produce and place it in relation to that established by the adult cultural system. The final objective of the course is to provide students with adequate sociological tools for interventions to promote children's agency in educational contexts.


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Course unit content

The course deals with themes and perspectives emerging from the sociological approach proposed by William A. Corsaro. The lectures aim to provide cognitive tools typical of the field of study of the sociology of childhood, with a particular focus on the contemporary re-thinking of the process of socialisation and on the renewed centrality of the question of agency. In particular, the course will address the main nodes of the emergence of Childhood Obesity through the lens of interpretive reproduction.

Full programme

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Corsaro W.A., Sociologia dell’infanzia, a cura di Colombo M., Aroldi P., Maccarini A., FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020.

Prandini R., Maestri G., Bassi A. (a cura di), Cibo, stili di vita, salute. Un’indagine empirica nel territorio della ASL di Reggio Emilia, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2021 [open access].

Teaching methods

Lectures and workshops

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

The course addresses central issues to the 2030 Agenda, which calls on signatory states to implement action plans in support of sustainable development aimed at elaborating and monitoring the implementation of sustainability strategies at local and global levels with the intention of addressing economic, social and environmental issues in an integrated perspective. With regard to health education objectives, the WHO Regional Office for Europe has published a document which highlights actions to be taken in Europe in light of the current situation. In contrast to countries where malnutrition manifests itself in terms of reduced access to food resources, for European countries the main problem is that of an unhealthy diet due to an excess of caloric intake and the use of simple sugars. It is therefore necessary to reflect on malnutrition in all its forms, starting with education for children, in order to guarantee health and well-being for all and, consequently, to guarantee a sustainable development.