cod. 05924

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - First semester
Alberto CUCCHI
Academic discipline
Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni (ING-INF/05)
Scienze interdisciplinari
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: PHISICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES

Learning objectives

The Module of Information processing systems, introduced into the Teaching or integrated Course of chemical-physical and experimental Sciences, is addressed to the Prevention technician in university education, aimed to enter professionally both public and private processes in the sphere of public prevention. Its target is to provide useful information for the understanding of the value of adopting computer science technologies and know-how with the purpose of tool achievement, for a useful use in the described field.
The course has the aim of letting student know and understand essential elements of computer science, automatic systems for data management, the main components of a computer and of computer information networks.
Its target is to let students be able to use the knowledge and understanding for:
- an effective integration in a working environment of the described field, characterized by the use of latest data management systems.
- The representation by means of flowcharts of the active processes in the present working environment of the area of expertise
- The correct analysis of the data flow, for the active processes in the present working environment of the area of expertise; work out of data charts and possibly congruent with the construction of a relationship database
- The use of hardware systems for the data management
- The use of computer information networks, achieved by frontal lessons, case histories and practical exercises.
At the end of the course, thanks to the achieved knowledge, the student shall show know-how and comprehension skills regarding:
- the graphic representation of data flow in a process
- The correct representation of the process data flow by charts
- The basic use of hardware and software tools for the data management and processing
- The use of computer communication networks
Moreover, thanks to the achieved knowledge and comprehension and also cooperating with other professionals , the student shall be able to:
-recognize the importance and effects of informatization in the work organization and management
-help informatization and the correct data management inside the processes of the own working environment.
-recognize the basic terminology and use it properly
-use properly the hardware and software tools as well as the infrastructures for information management present in a Health organization, in the prevention field.
-recognize the main targets of a computer system on the life and work environments, inside a Public Health Department


Basic mathematics knowledge.

Course unit content

The course is divided into four lessons, structured as briefly described below.
At the beginning, the importance of technological evolution for the redefinition of health system targets is analyzed, with particular attention to the prevention field. Basic concepts of computer science are provided afterwards.
The second lesson is focused on the concept of data bases and their possible logical modelling; the model of relationship data base is deepened, together with concepts related to a DBMS (Data base management system).
The operating principles and analysis of the main components of a computer are explained in the third lesson, while last lesson deals with computer information networks, their architecture, varieties of communication lines, network hardware and software.

Full programme

Introduction: the Digital divide, innovation culture and technology, computer science, IT and ITC, medical computer science, health computer science, electronic health.
Information representation: digital and analogical representation, number systems; binary encoding: bit, bite, word; hexadecimal encoding; decimal/ binary/ hexadecimal conversion, type encoding (ASCII and Unicode).
Introduction to programming languages: the code, the algorithm, the flowchart.
The programming languages: Machine languages, high and low level programming languages.
The software: the system software and app, the operating systems, the graphic interface, "vertical" and "horizontal" software.
Set of data: Record, Array, strings, lists, tuple, charts.
Data bases and information systems: the concept of information system, data bases, DBMS. The logic data modeling, the relationship model.
The computer: operating logic, concepts of programmable machine, Boolean algebra, android concept.
Essential models and calculator architecture: algorithm, android concept, Turing machine, Von Neumann model.
The hardware: motherboard, CPU, data bus, memories, graphic card.
Features: Desktop, Net book, Note book.
Network architecture: the centralized model, the distributed system, the peer-to-peer networks, LAN and WAN, Network networks, distributed systems.
Communication lines: phone, ADSL, optical fibre.
Network hardware: Hub and Switch, Router, Modem, network performances,
Network software: communication levels, TCP/IP protocol hierarchy, protocol reliability, network addresses, public and private addresses, Domain name system.
App: analysis of a information system type on life and working environments inside a Public Health Department.


Classroom notes and slides, literature provided by the teacher.

Teaching methods

The course will be held through lectures to Students either in the classroom (“in presenza”) or in synchronous-streaming (“in telepresenza”) on the Teams platform. Therefore, the opportunity of Student/Teacher interaction will be preserved both face to face and remotely, by the simultaneous use of the Teams platform.
Lectures will be supported by slide presentations, which will be available to students on the Elly platform (

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of the course target achievement consists on two practical tests and a written examination. The practical tests check the student capacity to represent process flows by means of flowchart and to manage properly the information, for a later processing by means of proper charts. Questions on the course content will verify if the student has achieved the target of knowledge and understanding of the same content.
In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, as follows:
structured written test conducted remotely (by Teams and Elly). The test consists of 30 multiple choice questions on the course contents (reference texts + documents uploaded to Elly during the course). There is no penalty for incorrect answers.
The final mark, reported directly on Esse3, will correspond to the arithmetic average of the assessments obtained in the written test.
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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