cod. 1004882

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - Second semester
Vittoria MASOTTI
Academic discipline
Medicina legale (MED/43)
Scienze della prevenzione e dei servizi sanitari
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: LEGAL AND FORENSIC SCIENCES

Learning objectives

The objective is to allow the student to know and understand the essential elements of a legal and medico-legal nature inherent to the professional activity of health technician of prevention in the environment and in the workplace, with the aim of allowing the student the ability to use the knowledge and understanding acquired to evaluate one's professional activity from a regulatory-legal perspective with specific reference to the implications in the criminal, civil and special laws fields.



Course unit content

The series of lessons provides the basic notions relating to the legal aspects of the profession of health technician of prevention in the environment and in the workplace. After the essential notions of criminal law in the general part, the main crimes related to healthcare activities and food criminal law are examined.

Full programme

Legal system, sources of the rules, general and special part of criminal law: crimes against life and against individual safety, report and complaint to the judicial authority, professional secrecy, notion of public official and person in charge of public service. Criminal protection of health through food control: code cases and art. 5, law 283 of 1962.


The material will be provided by the teacher. For those wishing to delve deeper into the topics, the following texts are recommended:- A. Cadoppi, P. Veneziani, Elementi di diritto penale. Parte generale, CEDAM, ultima ed.
- A. Cadoppi, P. Veneziani, Elementi di diritto penale. Parte speciale. Vol. 2/1: I reati contro la persona, CEDAM, ultima ed.

Teaching methods

Teaching is carried out with frontal lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of the achievement of the objectives set by the course involves a final assessment through an oral exam. The final grade will be formulated based on the overall judgment of the teachers of the integrated course to which the teaching in question belongs. Students with DSA/BSE must first contact the University Reception and Inclusion Center (

Other information

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