cod. 15597

Academic year 2008/09
5° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
15 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

Prof. Catalano: Morphofunctional evaluation criteria, breeding techniques and rationing for horses. <br />
Prof. Quarantelli: To provide students with an understanding of nutrition in dairy cows in the zootechnical territory of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. <br />
Prof. Mariani: To provide students with a specific understanding of different realities in the dairy field. <br />
Prof. Superchi: To teach students how to calculate rations for animals using computerised programmes. <br />
Prof. Sabbioni: To provide students with an understanding of the theoretical and practical elements necessary for the interpretation of information gleaned from BCS exams, as well as being able to perform such exams. <br />
Prof. Summer: To provide specific information on hygiene and sanitary aspects, on physioclimatology and on animal welfare in zootechnique farms. <br />
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Recommended prerequisites: to have passed the exams in Nutrition, Food technology and Zootechnics.

Course unit content

Prof. Catalano: morphofunctional evaluation criteria, breeding techniques and rationing for horses. Prof. Mariani: Practice and guided visits to analysis laboratories, dairy industries, transformation plants. <br />
Prof. Quarantelli: Guided visits to zootechnic companies and dairy farms, with particular emphasis on the relationship between food and milk quality. <br />
Prof. Superchi: Calculation of rations for animals using computerised programmes. Prof. Sabbioni: Evaluation of the body conditions in dairy cows (BCS). Educational visits to dairy and/or beef farms, to companies which prepare and sell semen and to official organisations operating in the animal selection field. <br />
Prof. Summer: Hygiene-sanitary aspects of zootechnics. Physio-climatic aspects of breeding. <br />
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Full programme

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Prof. Catalano: "Valutazione morfo-funzionale del cavallo" A.L.Catalano Edizioni SBM 1993 <br />
"Alimentazione pratica del cavallo sportivo" N. Miraglia, A.L.Catalano A.N.A.C., A.N.A.C.T.,U.N.I.R.E. 1987 <br />
"Alimentazione e allevamento del cavallo" L.D.Lewis E.M.S.I. 1998 <br />
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Prof. Mariani: ALAIS C.: Scienza del latte - principi di tecnologia del latte e derivati. Ed. Tecniche Nuove, Milano,2000 <br />
Material supplied by lecturer <br />
Dott. Summer: AA.VV. Vacca da latte e stress da caldo. Tipolitografia Italia, Piacenza, 1995. <br />
AA.VV. Allevamento della vacca da latte in estate. Tipolitografia Italia, Piacenza, 1996. <br />
Montemurro N. Igiene zootecnica. Edagricole., Bologna, 2002 <br />
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Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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