cod. 1002292

Academic year 2011/12
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Medicina del lavoro (MED/44)
Formazione clinica interdisciplinare e medicina basata sulle evidenze
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: PHYSICAL SCIENCES

Learning objectives

Knowledge of the regulation on safety and risk prevention for public health environment workers such as employers, managers and operators. Identification of risk factors for chemical, physical, biological and behavioural agents.


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Course unit content

Occupational Medicine in the regulation system of Prevention and Safety in working environments;
European and National regulations for Safety and Prevention in working environments;
Responsibilities of employers, managers, workers;
Work risks in public health;
Presence of chemical agents, safety sheets, labelling; Risk evaluation, prevention of accidents and occupational diseases; procedures and tools for personal and environmental protection;
Presence of physical agents, risk evaluation, prevention and protection;
Presence of biological agents, risk evaluation, prevention and protection.
Ergonomic and behavioural risk, evaluation and prevention.

Full programme

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Dec. Leg.vo 81/2008 and further modifications.

L. Alessio, P. Apostoli: Manuale di Medicina del Lavoro e Igiene Industriale, Piccin Editor, 2009.

V. Foà, L. Ambrosi: Medicina del Lavoro, Utet, second edition, 2003. Pictures presented during the course will be available at the Segreteria di Medicina del Lavoro.

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test

Other information

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