cod. 21953

Academic year 2011/12
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Istologia (BIO/17)
Morfologia umana
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
7 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY

Learning objectives

At the completion of this integrated course the student will be required to know and to identify by light microscopy the structure of the cells and of the human supracellular units, namely tissues, multi-tissue units and morpho-functional units. <br />
He will also be required to know the main morphological and biological aspects of the human development. <br />
Eventually he will be required to show he has acquired, at least, the rudiments of the major requirments for the medical practice: the ability to observe and subsequently to describe with a suitable language what the observation has revealed; in this context, what the microscopic observation has unveiled. <br />


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Course unit content

Protoplasm, <br />
Extracellular matrix, <br />
Cell:The cell as a thermodynamic system, The cell as a programmed system, <br />
The cell as a chemical environment, The cell as a physical environment, The bacterial cell, The vegetal cell, The animal cell <br />
Supracellular units <br />
Tissues <br />
Organs <br />
Apparatuses and systems <br />
Technological fundamentals <br />
Analytical and histochemical methods in biological investigation <br />
Microscopy techniques in morphological investigation <br />
The microscopes <br />
Field of applications and technical limits of the different types of microscope <br />
Permanent histological specimen and their preparation <br />
Reading principles of an histological specimen <br />
Biomolecules <br />
Supramolecular complexes <br />
Cell organs and apparatuses <br />
Cytoplasmic matrix <br />
Cell periphery <br />
Nucleus <br />
Ribosomal units, ribosomes, polysomes and endoplasmic reticulum <br />
Golgi complexes <br />
Endosomal compartment <br />
Vesicles and vacuoles <br />
Peroxisomes <br />
Mitochondria <br />
Centrosome, mitotic spindle and asters <br />
Cell cycle <br />
Human cells <br />
Somatic and germ cells <br />
Stem and differentiated cells <br />
Cell populations <br />
Zygote <br />
Embryonic development <br />
Morphological aspects of the development <br />
Biological aspects of the development <br />
Mature tissues <br />
Epithelial tissues <br />
Tropho-mechanical tissues <br />
Muscular tissues <br />
Nervous tissues <br />
Tissues of the embryonic annexes <br />
Tissues of the placenta <br />
Tissues of the amniotic sac <br />
Tissues of the Yolk’s sac <br />
Tissues of the umbilical cord <br />
Histophysiology of the embrionic and foetal annexes <br />
<br />
Multi-tissue units <br />
Glands <br />
Mucous membranes of the alimentary canal, respiratory apparatus, urinary apparatus, male and female reproductive apparatus <br />
Serous membranes <br />
The Skin <br />
Appendages of the skin <br />
Blood and lymphatic vessels <br />
Muscles <br />
Bones <br />
Nerves <br />
Ganglia <br />
<br />
Morpho-functional units <br />
The Salivary lobule <br />
The Pancreatic lobule <br />
The liver lobule <br />
The pulmonary acinus <br />
The uropoietic tree <br />

Full programme

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Renato Scandroglio - La porta che apre al mondo della medicina. Corso integrato di citologia, embriologia, istologia. - terza edizione aggiornata e rinnovata del "corso integrato di istologia". - EdiMago, PARMA<br />
L.C. Junqueira, R. Carneiro COMPENDIO DI ISTOLOGIA; Ed. Piccin <br />
A Stevens, J. Lowe ISTOLOGIA UMANA; Casa editrice Ambrosiana <br />
M. Barbieri, P. Carinci EMBRIOLOGIA; Casa editrice Ambrosiana <br />

Teaching methods

Frontal Lessons
Optical Microscope practice for small groups

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral test and analysis of a histological sample

Other information

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