cod. 13411

Academic year 2014/15
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Farmaceutico tecnologico applicativo (CHIM/09)
Discipline chimiche, farmaceutiche e tecnologiche
Type of training activity
64 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

Release and Targeting of drugs is an advanced course of Pharmaceutical Technology giving the knowledge for the innovative dosage form preparation. Objective of the course is to give to the student the knowledge for designing, developing and manufacturing dosage forms
that for their complexity are sometime called therapeutical system. Together with the essential notions of pharmaceutical technology, the base knowledge of biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics and diffusion or mass transport will be given. In addition, the materials, mechanisms and devices adopted in the fundamental operations for the achievement of drug release control and targeting will be treated.


Base pharmaceutical technology knowledge is required.

Course unit content

The course is divided in three sections:
First part is dedicated to the administration route and mechanisms of drug absorption.Specia attention is given to the compartmental pharmacokinetics.
The second part is addressed to the comprehension of the mechanisms of substance transport in order to have the basis for understanding the drug delivery systems performance.
The third part consists in the application of the knowledge obtain din the previous sections to the construction and control of the drug delivery systems.

Full programme

- Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
- Administration routes of drugs
- Drug delivery control: story, fundamentals and applications
- Solubility, specific surface area and dissolution rate of drugs and drug
- Mass transport or diffusion: Fick law, thin film diffusion, membrane
transport, free diffusion.
- Natural and synthetic polymers: biodegradable, cellulose derivatives,
- Devices for drug release control: reservoir and matrix
- Drug carriers:polymer conjugates, micelles, inclusion compounds;
liposomes;micro and nanoparticles;


P.Colombo, P.L.Catellani, A.Gazzaniga, E.Menegatti, E.Vidale, Principi di tecnologie farmaceutiche. Editore: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2004

A.T. Florence, D.Attwood, Le basi chimico-fisiche della Tecnologia Farmaceutica, EdiSES, Napoli, 2002

Teaching methods

The teaching method is frontal didactics. Special care is addressed to the teacher/student interaction. The participation to the lessons is compulsory.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation of the learning will be performed by written tests at the end of each month. The test consists in a free answer question and in
questionaries multiple choice.

Other information

The teacher is available for questions on Tueasday, Wednesday and Thursday, before and after the lesson time at 11.00.