cod. 1004453

Academic year 2012/13
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Chimica organica (CHIM/06)
Discipline chimiche
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Aim of the course is to introduce the basic and general concepts of organic chemistry.


To access the final examination, it is necessary to having successfully passed the following examination: General and Inorganic Chemistry.

Course unit content

General Aspects.
Origin and development of organic chemistry as a science. Functional groups of the main organic compounds. The carbon atom as a focal element in organic chemistry. Relationships between the structure of an organic compound and its physical and chemical behaviour. Hybridation,molecular geometry, electronegativity, polarity of organic compounds. Resonance of organica compounds. resonance, Configurational and conformational isomerism. Conformational analysis of linear and cyclic alkanes. Constitutional isomerism and stereoisomerism. Chirality, enantiomers, diastereoisomers, meso compounds, geometric isomerism. Thermodynamic and kinetic control of organic reactions. Reaction kinetics, activation energy, catalysis. Reaction mechanisms. Resonance in organic compounds. Radical and ionic reactions. Nucleophilic and electrophilic species. Acidity and basicity in organic chemistry, acid-base reactions. Oxidative-reductive reactions. Monomolecular and bimolecular nucleophilic substitutions at saturated carbons. Monomolecular and bimolecular beta-elimination reactions. Main solvents and their use in organic chemistry. Organometallic reagents, Grignard reagents. Electrophilic additions to alkenes and alkynes. Regioselective, stereospecific, and stereoselective organic reactions.

Aliphatic domain. Structure, nomenclature, natural occurrence, physical properties, reactivity, and synthesis of the following compound classes: alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, polyols, thiols.

Full programme

Origin and development of organic chemistry as a science. Functional groups of the main organic compounds. The carbon atom as a focal element in organic chemistry. Relationships between the structure of an organic compound and its physical and chemical behaviour. Hybridation,molecular geometry, electronegativity, polarity of organic compounds. Resonance of organica compounds. resonance, Configurational and conformational isomerism. Conformational analysis of linear and cyclic alkanes. Constitutional isomerism and stereoisomerism. Chirality, enantiomers, diastereoisomers, meso compounds, geometric isomerism. Thermodynamic and kinetic control of organic reactions. Reaction kinetics, activation energy, catalysis. Reaction mechanisms. Resonance in organic compounds. Radical and ionic reactions. Nucleophilic and electrophilic species. Acidity and basicity in organic chemistry, acid-base reactions. Oxidative-reductive reactions. Monomolecular and bimolecular nucleophilic substitutions at saturated carbons. Monomolecular and bimolecular beta-elimination reactions. Main solvents and their use in organic chemistry. Organometallic reagents, Grignard reagents. Electrophilic additions to alkenes and alkynes. Regioselective, stereospecific, and stereoselective organic reactions.

Aliphatic domain. Structure, nomenclature, natural occurrence, physical properties, reactivity, and synthesis of the following compound classes: alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, polyols, thiols.


Essential texts (choose one of the following):
1. W.H. Brown, C.S. Foote, B. L. Iverson, E. V. Anslyn, “Chimica Organica”, IV Edizione, EdiSES, Napoli, 2010.
2. Autori vari, “Chimica Organica” (a cura di B. Botta), Edi.Ermes, Milano, 2011.
3. J. McMurry, “Chimica Organica”, VIII Edizione, Piccin, Padova, 2012.
4. M. Loudon, “Chimica Organica”, V Edizione, EdiSES, Napoli, 2010.
5. J. G. Smith, "Chimica Organica", McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2007.
6. G.H. Schmid, “Chimica Organica”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 1997.

Essential bibliography (choose one of the following excercize books):
1. M. V. D’Auria, O. Taglialatela Scafati, A. Zampella, “Guida Ragionata allo Svolgimento di Esercizi di Chimica Organica”, seconda Edizione, Loghia Ed., Napoli, 2011.
2. B. Iverson, S. Iverson, “Guida alla soluzione dei problemi da Brown, Foote, Iverson – Chimica Organica”, 3° Ed., EdiSES, Napoli, 2006.
3. T.W.G. Solomons, C.B. Fryhle, R.G. Johnson, “La chimica organica attraverso gli esercizi”, Seconda Edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2010.
4. S. Cacchi, F. Nicotra, “Esercizi di Chimica Organica”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 1998.

Bibliography for consultation:
1. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford Edition, 2001.
2. R. Norman, J.M. Coxon, “Principi di Sintesi Organica”, 2a Edizione Italiana, Piccin Editore, Padova, 1997.
3. R.T. Morrison, R.N. Boyd, “Chimica Organica”, VI Edizione, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 1997.

Other teaching material: Examples of exercizes of examinations of previous years.

Teaching methods

The course is carried out through frontal oral lessons comprising exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final examination consists of a written exam. The written exam deals with the execution of exercises on the synthesis and reactivity of organic compounds. The exam is intended to test and confirm the student knowledge on the matter.

Other information

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