Learning objectives
- To be knowledgeable and competent about common metabolic diseases
- To be knowdgeable and competent with regard to approriate prescritotion of therapeutic lifestyle changes for prevention/treatment of common metabolic diseases
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Course unit content
Etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic lifestyle change centered prevention/treatment of common metabolic diseases:
- Diabetes mellitus
- Dyslipidemias
- Hyperuricemia
Full programme
1. Diabetes mellitus and Pre-diabetes
a. Classification
b. Etiology
c. Epidemiology
d. Pathophysiology
e. Clinical presentation
f. Diagnosis
g. Complications
h. Prognosis
i. Therapeutic lifestyle changes
2. Dyslipidemias
a. Classification
b. Etiology
c. Epidemiology
d. Pathophysiology
e. Clinical presentation
f. Diagnosis
g. Complications
h. Prognosis
i. Therapeutic lifestyle changes
3. Hyperuricaemias
a. Classification
b. Etiology
c. Epidemiology
d. Pathophysiology
e. Clinical presentation
f. Diagnosis
g. Complications
h. Prognosis
i. Therapeutic lifestyle changes
Kumar & Clark’s – Clinical Medicine, 9th Edition
Teaching methods
Traditional lectures
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral Exam
Other information
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