cod. 1000230

Academic year 2012/13
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia medievale (M-STO/01)
Discipline storiche
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

Goal of the course is, first and foremost, to provide fundamental knowledge regarding medieval history, freeing the field of numerous preconceptions about this historical period. It will also be aimed at providing students with the critical skills to interpret an histographical topic.



Course unit content

The course is an introduction to medieval history (5th-15th centuries).

Full programme

Course’s topics:
Why study history. Why study Middle Ages. How study Middle Ages.
The idea of Middle Ages.
Early, High and Late Middle Ages.
Primary and secondary sources.
The Barbarians.
Franks and feudalism.
The three orders of medieval society: oratores, bellatores, laboratores.
The 11th century: cities and countryside.
The 11th century: the pope and the emperor.
The 11 th century: the crusades.
Communitarian movements: communes, guilds, confraternities.
Signories, principalities, kingdoms, republics.
The Crisis of the Early Renaissance.
Rich and poor in the Middle Ages.
Communes and signories in Italian medieval studies between the 19th and the 20th centuries.


One manual of medieval history, R. Bordone, G. Sergi, Dieci secoli di medioevo, Torino, Einaudi, 2009, one historiographical text: Testo di approfondimento monografico: F. Franceschi, I. Taddei, Le città italiane nel Medioevo. XII-XIV secolo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012; and a selection of sources from:
P. Cammarosano, Le campagne nell’età comunale (metà sec. XI – metà sec. XIV), Loescher (Documenti della Storia), Torino 1974, in open access on
R. Bordone, La società urbana nell’Italia comunale (secoli XI-XIV), Loescher (Documenti della Storia), Torino 1984,in open access on

Teaching methods

40 hours of classroom lectures; home study of lecture notes and recommended texts; oral exam.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam.

Other information

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