cod. 1010588

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Formazione di base nella rappresentazione
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: REPRESENTATION STUDIO

Learning objectives

The educational method used is learning-by-doing. During the course there is a 2hours module in which deals with the principles and the theoretical fundamentals of drawing. There is also a 3hours module in which the theory is put into practice through specific exercise assigned by the professors. During the course there will be scheduled collective and individual revisions of the assigned exercises.


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Course unit content

The Representation Laboratory combines the analogue and the digital techniques to deal with the drawing. The descriptive geometry methods and contents will be deeply examined using forthcoming tools provided by the latest technologies. The module called “Descriptive Geometry and Drawing” offers the chance to students to acquire knowledge about the principles and the fundamentals of the science of drawing. Starting with projective geometry, the themes discussed are: the projective methods of orthogonal, central (perspective) and axonometric projections; whose applications will merge during the exercises led by the professors.
The course is divided into two parts and will be organised in other little modules in which theoretical and practical lessons will discuss the following topics:
First part (descriptive geometry):
- From projective geometry to orthogonal projections;
- Orthogonal projections;
- Axonometric projections;
- Central perspective and accidental viewpoint
Second part:
- Shape and geometry (graphic analysis principles);
- The measured survey: definition and application;
- The expressive methods and types of drawing;
- Layout: supports and methods
Applications and exercises:
The practice exercise are individual and discuss the theoretical topics discussed in class. They take place in the classroom and are to be handed in at the end of the lesson. Professors will explain the students the materials, supports and tools needed. In order to allow students to understand the univocal approach to the representation topic, the same exercises will be assigned during the module “Representation Tools for product communication" and the module "Product Development and 3D Digital Modeling", regardless of the drawing tools used.

Full programme

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Scienza del Disegno; Mario Docci, Diego Maestri, Marco Gaiani; 2017
EAN: 9788825174144

Teaching methods

The educational method used is learning-by-doing. During the course there is a 2hours module in which deals with the principles and the theoretical fundamentals of drawing. There is also a 3hours module in which the theory is put into practice through specific exercise assigned by the professors. During the course there will be scheduled collective and individual revisions of the assigned exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the course there will be scheduled collective and individual revisions of the assigned exercises.

Other information

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