cod. 1008547

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Logica e filosofia della scienza (M-FIL/02)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

To acquire an adequate knowledge of the epistemic basis of scientific discourse,
both from a critical and an historical perspective;
to acquire the ability of understanding and analysing critical and historical texts
about science (I Dublin descriptor).
To acquire the ability of applying the analytical tools acquired during the course to
contemporary scientific discourse;
To learn how to write a brief essay on historical-scientific topics (II Dublin
To acquire the ability of arguing and communicating about the historical-scientific
concepts examined during the course, and of developing them autonomously (III,
IV, V Dublin descriptors).



Course unit content

On historic epistemology. The course explores the social and historical dimensions of some fundamental concepts of the scientific endeavour (such as fact, observation, credibility, and collaborative research). The analysis is carried out through the discussion of recent critical contributions to these topics, supplemented by historical examples taken in particular from the life and work of the Italian man of science Luigi Galvani.

Full programme



M. Bresadola, Luigi Galvani. Devozione, scienza, rivoluzione, Editrice Compositori,
Further texts will be assigned at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

The course will be in the form of seminar lectures, in which texts (also in English)
will be discussed collectively. Each week the students have to prepare the assigned
readings, as to be ready to class discussion.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation consists of two parts:
- the writing of a short essay on one of the concepts or texts dealt with during the course;
- an oral exam, in which the contents of the course and the student’s essay are discussed.
The final score will be determined by the assessment of the written essay (in terms of content, formal structure and argumentation) and of the oral discussion (in terms of student’s acquired knowledge and ability of communicating and contextualising
problems). The quality of the student’s participation at class discussion will also be evaluated.

Other information
