Course unit partition: Cognomi M-Z

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Composizione architettonica e urbana (ICAR/14)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
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course unit
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Learning objectives

To provide the student with those critical-operational tools to allow him/her to understand the logic of formative urban fabrics as a conscious foundation of architecture design.


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Course unit content

A building is never an "isolated subject", on the contrary it is always part of a context, whether natural or anthropogenic. A complex context, of social, economic, cultural, civil "fabric", of which the city is the expression par excellence, and whose urban fabric constitutes, in fact, the physical and formal reflection. Knowing how to read this fabric, learning to understand the relational logic, the durations and the differences, means consciously basing the project on their transformation.

Full programme

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In addition to those listed in the workshop reports:
M. Maretto, Il paesaggio delle differenze. Architettura, città e territorio nella nuova era globale, 2008.
Further targeted bibliographical information is given with respect to specific issues addressed.

Teaching methods

A series of lectures and the experience of critical reading "in the field" of an urban area with consequent graphic representations constitute the preferred means of teaching.

Assessment methods and criteria

Some intermediary checks of the analytical work done and the final discussion of the papers are the preferred procedure to check on learning.

Other information

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