cod. 13259

Anno accademico 2009/10
1° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Roberto CAMMI
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese (L-LIN/12)
Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera
Tipologia attività formativa
Lingua/Prova Finale
24 ore
di attività frontali
3 crediti
in - - -

Obiettivi formativi

portare gli studenti al livello B1 del Quadro di Riferimento<br />
Europeo, sviluppandone le competenze relative a grammatica, lessico,<br />
funzioni, e capacità di lettura e ascolto


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Contenuti dell'insegnamento

  <br />
Main topics<br />
<br />
<br />
Grammar<br />
<br />
· articles<br />
· demonstratives<br />
· possessives and possessive ‘s<br />
· personal pronouns<br />
· some and any<br />
· countable and uncountable nouns<br />
· quantifiers<br />
· comparatives and superlatives<br />
· relative pronouns<br />
· main prepositions of place and time<br />
· indirect questions<br />
· main conjunctions<br />
· main phrasal/prepositional verbs<br />
· Present Simple and Present Continuous<br />
· Past Simple<br />
· Past Continuous<br />
· Present Perfect Simple<br />
· The future (going to, will, Present Simple, Present Continuous)<br />
· First conditional<br />
· Time clauses and the Present Simple)<br />
· The Passive voice (Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect)<br />
· Modal verbs (can, could, must, will, would, should)<br />
<br />
Vocabulary <br />
<br />
* spelling<br />
· numbers (prices, quantities, dates, etc.)<br />
· family<br />
· free time activities<br />
· house and furniture<br />
· public places and shops<br />
· jobs<br />
· food and drinks<br />
· animals<br />
· weather<br />
· clothes<br />
· parts of the body and health problems<br />
· means of transport<br />
· everyday objects<br />
<br />
Functions<br />
<br />
· describing people (character and appearance)<br />
· telling the time and dates<br />
· describing everyday habits and routines<br />
· ordering in a restaurant or in a hotel<br />
· understanding notices, labels, adverts<br />
· road directions<br />
· describing holidays, trips, etc.<br />
· describing objects (size, colour, shape, etc.)<br />
· warnings and prohibitions<br />
· obligation and absence of obligations<br />
· agreement/disagreement<br />
· criticisms and complaints<br />
· talking about preferences<br />
· describing feelings and emotions

Programma esteso

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For grammar, functions and vocabulary:<br />
<br />
M. Vince, G. Cerulli, Inside Grammar, Macmillan (+ keys)<br />
M. Swan, C. Walter, The Good Grammar Book with answers, Oxford UP<br />
<br />
or:<br />
P. Conti, E. Sharman, L. Green, A. Cowan, The Burlington English Grammar, ed.<br />
Burlington Books Le Monnier (+ keys) (grammar only)<br />
M. McCarthy, F. O’Dell, English Vocabulary in Use Elementary (edition with key), Cambridge University Press (vocabulary only)<br />
<br />
<br />
Textbook<br />
<br />
G. Cunningham, S. Mohamed, Language to Go Pre-Intermediate, Longman

Metodi didattici

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Modalità verifica apprendimento

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Altre informazioni

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Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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