cod. 12997

Anno accademico 2008/09
1° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Discipline pedagogiche e psicologiche
Tipologia attività formativa
80 ore
di attività frontali
10 crediti
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Obiettivi formativi

The main objective of the course is the analysis of a case study where students can observe the key sociological notions at work in a real historical and social context like the Middle East. An area extraordinarily complex for the intricacy of the problems to be addressed


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Contenuti dell'insegnamento

The course offers a systematic analysis of the fundamental sociological concepts in the fields of social systems, religious beliefs, political strategies and choices, conflicts and wars, sectarianism, state, interstate-relations exploring the case of the Middle East and its implications. 

Programma esteso

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<p>C. ROSSETTI, Democracy in Middle East, Scriptaweb, 2008;</p>
<p>G.COLOMBO, On Rules, Milano, 2008;</p>
<p>Elements of General Sociology, Powerpoint Program,</p>

Metodi didattici

<p>Teaching methods combine lectures, discussion papers by the students, the analysis of appropriate written documentation. Exams are written. 10 questions are submitted to the students and they are asked to answer four.</p>

Modalità verifica apprendimento

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Altre informazioni

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