cod. 1006093

Anno accademico 2016/17
1° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Disegno industriale (ICAR/13)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Tipologia attività formativa
40 ore
di attività frontali
4 crediti
sede: PARMA

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: EXECUTIVE DESIGN STUDIO

Obiettivi formativi

The aim of the course is to help students develop the ability to communicate the architecture, through the use of existing tools of the digital representation and the preparation of drawings "expressive" in visual communication design idea.
The educational program will be conducted through the revision (assisted) of an architectural model, delivered to students at the beginning of the course, and the drafting of a project to scale enforceable. At the end of the course, the student should know the main methods of rendering commonly used to obtain photorealistic images.


It is useful to have in-depth knowledge of two-dimensional drawing assisted (Autocad) and knowledge base of three-dimensional modeling with generic software.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

The graphics module for the project (4 credits) is an integral part of the Laboratory of executive representation. The module aims to provide the theoretical knowledge and operational tools to represent the architecture into its components geometricospatial, and in particular their application in the analysis and graphic communication architecture and its design context. Specifically, it will address the issue of communication of the project through the rendering and animation, representations useful both to the verification of the design choices in the first phase of development is the presentation and communication to the public and / or private, in its architecture final configuration.
The course will discuss some software for the modeling and animation (3DS Max and Cinema4D). There will be lectures on the use of advanced graphic techniques in Photoshop.

Programma esteso

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Texts of reference will be announced during the lectures

Metodi didattici

The Workshop will take place inside the computer labs. Here students have access to computers and graphics software suitable for direct learning of the techniques necessary for the representation of digital graphics.
During the lectures will discuss the general issues related to the representation of architecture.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

Final assessment of learning of the topics covered in the Laboratory consists in the discussion and evaluation of the drawings produced by the student.
The evaluation of the boards will be expressed in relation to the completeness, clarity and originality of content

Altre informazioni

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