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Iscriviti a Language sciences and cultural studies for special needs

Laurea magistrale
Accesso libero con verifica requisiti
corso in Inglese
classe LM-39

Video di presentazione del corso

Perché a Parma?

It is a second-level degree in Linguistics (LM39-Linguistica). All the core subjects are taught in English, most of which provided in a blended mode, both on campus and online (video-recordings and/or extra material available on our Moodle platform).

The course aims to provide a thorough grounding and advanced linguistic and cultural competences in English and a second foreign language (including Italian as a FL/L2), and research skills in the field of Language Sciences and Cultural Studies. It devotes specific attention to aspects related to language learning and teaching, with particular reference to Special Educational Needs affecting communication and languages, such as developmental language disorders, learning disorders and sensory disabilities.

A strength of our programme is the acquisition of competences in the field of inclusive language education. The programme also allows students to develop basic skills in Instructional Design needed to work as editors or instructional designers. Such skills are combined with language education competences in traditional and e-learning modes. It is designed for candidates from different academic backgrounds.

Students develop their professional and life skills in an international environment, and are also encouraged to gain experience abroad taking advantage of a large number of opportunities. 

Cosa imparerai

Core subjects 

  • Academic writing - 3 CFU
  • Soft skills for language learners and teachers - 3 CFU
  • Cognitive linguistics - 6 CFU
  • Language learning, teaching and assessment - 6 CFU 
  • Language education for special needs - 6 CFU
  • Neuroscience and language - 6 CFU
  • English language and literature - 12 CFU 

 Second language programme 

  • A second language to be chosen among: 
    • Langue française - 12 CFU
    • Lengua española -12 CFU
    • Deutsche sprache - 12 CFU
    • Russkij jazyk - 12 CFU

 Italian as a foreign language programme 

  • A unit to be chosen among:
    • Lingua italiana per stranieri - 12 CFU
    • Linguistica italiana e didattica della lingua - 12 CFU
    • Letteratura italiana contemporanea e teoria della letteratura - 12 CFU

Core subjects 

  • English language and linguistics - 12 CFU
  • A unit to be chosen among:
    • Clinical linguistics - 6 CFU
    • Instructional design for language teaching and learning - 6 CFU
    • Intercultural communication - 6 CFU
    • Special needs education - 6 CFU

Second language programme 

  • Langue française et littérature - 12 CFU
  • Lengua española y literatura - 12 CFU
  • Deutsche sprache und literatur - 12 CFU
  • Russkij jazyk i russkaja literatura - 12 CFU

Italian as a foreign language programme

  • Two units to be chosen among:
    • Linguistica generale - 6 CFU
    • Didattica della letteratura italiana - 6 CFU 
    • Geografia - 6 CFU
    • Intersemiotic italian studies - 6 CFU 
  • Optative courses
    • One or more units to be chosen among all those offered: - 12 CFU 
  • Internship programme
    • Internship - 6 CFU 
  • Final dissertation
    • Research methodology - 2 CFU
    • Dissertation - 16 CFU

Modalità di accesso

Open access (entry requirements to be verified).

Are you a NON EU student? Find out more about application procedure here.


Not mandatory.

Dopo la laurea

Graduates from this Master’s Degree are language experts who can operate with learners with special needs, both in education and in a variety of fields, such as publishing houses both traditional and digital, language testers, etc. They develop specific skills necessary to become foreign language teachers and researchers, in Italy and internationally, in one or more FL including Italian.

In addition, thanks to advanced language competences, together with deep knowledge in the areas of Cultural Studies and Educational Linguistics, graduates from this Master’s Degree have an innovative profile which makes them suitable to find employment also in international agencies, NGO’s etc. 


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Ti aspettiamo al corso di Laurea magistrale Language sciences and cultural studies for special needs