Corso di International business and development - Università degli Studi di Parma

Double degree with Vilnius University - Lithuania; Grenoble Ecole de Management - France; Hochschule Bochum - Germany; FECAP - Brazil.

International Business and Development (IBD) is a second-cycle degree in economics and business (LM77-Management), taught and examined entirely in English, offered by the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Parma.
It is a two-year course and on successful completion graduates are awarded the “laurea magistrale” or second cycle degree certificate.
IBD is designed for candidates from different academic backgrounds and aims to provide a thorough grounding in international economics and global development.
IBD students are encouraged to gain experience abroad during the two academic years, and can take advantage of a large number of opportunities.
IBD teaching methods are mainly interactive and require student participation. Almost all courses include project work, where groups of students, assisted by the teaching staff, prepare, present and discuss projects with Professors/instructors and peers.

Laurea magistrale
Accesso libero con verifica requisiti
corso in Inglese
classe LM-77
120 crediti


codice corso
Immagine generica

Avvisi dal corso

Corso di Studio
Premio di Laurea Centum, award for dissertation on centennial firms

Unione Imprese Centenarie issued a notice about an award for dissertation on centennial firms.

Further information is available at the following link:

Corso di Studio
Internship available at Erasmus and International Home

Dear students, we would like to inform you that an internship opportunity is available at the Erasmus and International Home of the University of Parma. For further information contact U.O. Internazionalizzazione.

Avvisi dai docenti

Appello straordinario autunno 2024

Comunico agli studenti delle LLMM IBD (Cooperation & Competition Among Firms) e ADA (European Industrial Policy), così come agli studenti della Triennale Clem indirizzo CLEI (Economia industriale), che l'appello straordinario autunnale per coloro che abbiano UN SOLO esame da sostenere prima della Laurea, è fissato per il giorno: Martedì 1^ ottobre, ore 16:00 (l'aula la troverete indicata nel monitor all'ingresso del plesso principale in via Kennedy 6 il giorno stespo dell'esame).

Si ricorda altresì che lo studente dovrà consegnare al docente, in sede d'esame, l'autocertificazione attestante la seguente situazione: l'appello in questione riguarda l'ultimo esame del proprio piano di studi prima della Laurea.

CAPONE Gianluca
Micro & Macro Economics - Special Exam Session

The Micro & Macro Economics Special Session exam will take place on Wednesday, October 2th at 4 pm.

How to enrol: send an email to and before September 27th;

Exam mode: written.

The Special Session is limited to students that are in debt of one exam and are planning to graduate in the 2024 Fall Graduation Session. Therefore, students must send by email a self-certification stating that the exam to be taken is the last one before graduation.

Extraordinary Exam of International Accounting and Governance - September 2024

The International Accounting and Governance for students who have to take only one exam before the Grade will take place on September, 30, 2024 at 2.00 o’clock p.m.

Students who are able to access to the test, must send an email to the Professors Pier Luigi Marchini and Tatiana MAzza by September 25, 2024 with a request to take the exam and with the following attachments:


- self-certification indicating that the exam for which the extraordinary session is requested is the last exam of the study plan;

- the identity document;


The exam will be a written exam in the Office of the Professors according to the Syllabus guidelines for the Academic Year 2023/2024.

Esame straordinario laureandi / Extraordinary exam graduating students

Gli esami straordinari di:

  • Finanza e rapporti con il sistema bancario
  • International financial management
  • International financial institutions and markets

si svolgeranno in forma scritta, venerdì 27 settembre, alle h. 14:00, nell'ufficio della prof.ssa Poletti.

Si ricorda che la prova del 27 settembre è riservata agli studenti che si laureano a fine ottobre ai quali manca un solo esame

Per iscriversi occorre inviare una mail a entro lunedì 23 settembre (no ESSE3). Nella mail indicare nome, cognome, numero di matricola, titolo dell'esame. L'esito verrà comunicato via mail e poi, se accettato, sarà registrato direttamente su ESSE3 senza aspettare i 7 giorni per il rifiuto del voto.

Per l'ammissione all'esame lo studente dovrà consegnare al docente, in sede d’esame, l’autocertificazione che l’esame per cui si richiede l’appello straordinario è l’ultimo del proprio piano degli studi.


The extraordinary exams of:

  • Finanza e rapporti con il sistema bancario
  • International financial management
  • International financial institutions and markets

will take place on Friday, September 27th, h. 14:00, in Prof. Poletti's office, written exam. Only students with one exam left behind and who are graduating in October are permitted to sit this exam.

To enrol for the exam please write to (no ESSE3) by September 23rd. The mark will be communicated via email and recorded (upon acceptance via e-mail) without waiting for the usual 7 days.

Students must hand in a declaration that they are taking the last exam and that they are graduating in November.

Referenti e contatti

Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti


Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
dott.ssa Giovanna Colangelo
T +39 0521 902296

Presidente del corso di studio

prof. Paolo Fabbri

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

prof.ssa Donata Tania Vergura

Delegato orientamento in uscita

prof. Franco Mosconi

Docenti Tutor 

prof. Paolo Fabbri
prof. Vincenzo Dall'Aglio

Delegato Erasmus

prof. Andrea Cilloni

Referente assicurazione qualità

prof. Vincrocio D'Aglio

Tirocini formativi

prof. Paolo Fabbri

Studenti tutor

dott.ssa Carlotta Magri
dott.ssa Chiara Bacchilega