Test di ammissione

IMAT (International Medical Admission Test) is unique and is of identical content in all test sites. It is prepared by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

The MUR each year details its content and procedures by decree: https://www.mur.gov.it/it/atti-e-normativa/decreto-ministeriale-n-1082-del-7-08-2023

Follow the news at: https://www.miur.gov.it/

Registration at https://www.universitaly.it/index.php, section 'IMAT programmed access'


All the terms of the procedure are mandatory and failure to comply with them will result in exclusion from selection or the possibility of enrolling in the course, regardless of the reasons given:

Admission test registration at: https://www.universitaly.it/index.php

Admission test: October 17,2023, 12:00 p.m.- For those who have chosen to take the test at the University of Parma, it will take place in the “Aule Centrali” of the hospital complex (Parma, Via Gramsci no. 14) https://mc.unipr.it/it/servizi/aule - Candidates are invited to check-in at 9:30 a.m.

Publication of the score obtained according to the label code:October 26, 2023 -Publication of papers, scores and master forms: October 31, 2023

Publication of the national  ranking list and start of enrolment:  November 7, 2023


The amounts of enrolment fees and information on benefits and exemption are published on the University Portal at: https://www.unipr.it/manifesto-degli-studi

The total number of places available is 120:

- 75  Italian citizens, EU citizens and non -EU citizens treated as such (under art.26 of law n.189/2002)

- 45 non -EU citizens residing abroad

Language requirements:

The list of the recognised language certifications and related levels is available at: https://www.mur.gov.it/it/atti-e-normativa/decreto-ministeriale-n-1082-del-7-08-2023



Admission test

In order to be admitted to the Single-Cycle Degree course in Medicine and Surgery, students must have a secondary school diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognised as suitable according to current regulations.
The admission test to the Single-Cycle Degree course in Medicine and Surgery in English (called IMAT, International Medical Admission Test) is unique and identical in content in all test locations. It is prepared by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR). The number of places assigned, the date of the admission test, the content and the methods of conducting the selection are determined annually by decree of the MUR and are reported in the call for admission.
Prospective students are selected by means of a national ranking list; it is therefore assumed that admitted students have an adequate initial preparation, achieved in their previous studies.
The possession and verification of language skills are compulsory for courses taught only in a language other than Italian. Students are therefore required to have an adequate knowledge of English (B2 level language certification). SEE THE NOTICE OF ADMISSION.


NOTICE IMAT 2023-2024

We inform you that on 27 October, at 11.00 am, the Commission will open the boxes containing the personal data sheets of the test participants on 17 October.

The procedure will take place in Aula Verde of the Biotechnological Complex in Via Volturno 39, Parma.

In this regard, it is recalled that the operation is public and open to candidates who are interested in it.