Obiettivi formativi

The Degree courses in Medicine taught in English active in Italy are 16, as detailed later in this document. In the Emilia Romagna Region there is only one Degree course in Medicine in English, activated at the University of Bologna. The percentage of students studying Medicine in English in Emilia Romagna today is much lower than in other regions such as Lombardy, Lazio and Campania. The institution of this course, with the proposed capacity of 100 freshmen, will bring the percentage to levels comparable with the average of the other regions mentioned.


Referenti e contatti

Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti


Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
 Giovanna Caselli 


E. del manager

Presidente del corso di studio 

Prof. Antonio Percesepe

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

Prof.ssa Elisa Araldi

Delegato orientamento in uscita

Prof.ssa Elisa Araldi

Docenti tutor

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] 

Delegati Erasmus 

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] 
[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] 

Referente assicurazione qualità

Prof.ssa Elena Masselli
E. [] 

Tirocini formativi

E. [email @unipr] 

Studenti tutor

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr]