cod. 1006424

Anno accademico 2015/16
2° anno di corso - Secondo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ICAR/20)
Per la prova finale
Tipologia attività formativa
Lingua/Prova Finale
10 ore
di attività frontali
1 crediti
sede: PARMA

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN STUDIO

Obiettivi formativi

Understand the basic planning process as well as the common goals and specific procedures for land use planning decision making and involving the public in those decisions.
Become familiar with and able to use the procedures and resources (ie.spatial and other information) that are frequently used in land use inventory/site analysis, planning and decision making.


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Contenuti dell'insegnamento

History, evolution and legal framework of land use planning in Italy (Some comparisons with other countries will also be included).
Types of land use planning that occur at the municipal levels, the actors involved, and the interrelationships between them.
Land use planning in urban regeneration plan: case study.
Land use planning in developing countries: case study.

Programma esteso

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Philip R. Berke, David R Godschalk, Urban Land Use Planning, University of Illinois Press; 5th ed. edition.
Jane Silberstein, Chris Maser, Land-Use Planning for Sustainable Development, (Social Environmental Sustainability Series) CRC Press.

Metodi didattici

Topics covered in this Module are developed by:
summary of the main lessons on theoretical content of land use planning;
seminars related to the discussion of specific bibliographic contributions and planning tools, considered as an example;
seminars with external lecturers from academia or the professions;
coordination and review of students' planning applications and collective discussion of the results.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

For the evaluation criteria and the weight given to the various parts of the exam, please refer to the program of the Architectural and Urban Design Core Studio.
Partial audits may be conducted by the evaluation of exercises on reading literature and exercises of interpretation of the relevant cases of land use planning presented in class.

Altre informazioni

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