
The University of Parma promotes curricular placements in order to facilitate professional choices through direct knowledge of the world of work and study-work alternation experiences.
The curricular internship integrates and completes the student's curriculum through the performance of practical activities which, on the basis of the provisions of their respective degree course regulations, may be carried out in structures within the University or externally at qualified public and private bodies with which the University has entered into appropriate agreements.
The internship involves three parties: the student, the promoter (the University of Parma) and the host (company or organisation) where the activity is carried out under the guidance of a university tutor, a University professor/instructor and a company supervisor.
Curricular internships are not a prerequisite for an employment relationship between the intern and the host structure, nor can they be a substitute for company labour or professional services.

Conduct of placements

The three-year theoretical pathway is closely interconnected with the clinical placement pathway, whose curriculum is designed to support students in gradually acquiring knowledge and skills and learning behaviour.
It envisages a pathway in which students are supervised and benefit from the guidance of tutors, focused first on basic obstetrical care for learning the fundamental techniques, manoeuvres, assessments, communication and planning skills; gradually developing more and more complex and articulated skills on intellectual and technical/scientific interventions in the clinical, relational, educational and managerial spheres, aimed at prevention, diagnosis, treatment, safeguarding and recovery of health and palliation in the obstetrical, neonatal gynaecological and gynaeco-oncological spheres, with particular attention to the woman, couple, newborn, child, family, community, in the various contexts of life and places of care, taking into account the technical and practical standard envisaged by national and international regulations.
The placement is governed by the Placement Regulations, which the student is required to observe.
The professional placement is a training activity that is carried out in specific healthcare contexts of the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria (University Hospital) of Parma and in the affiliated Aziende Sanitarie (Health Authorities).
The health authorities affiliated with the degree course are: Azienda Usl Parma; Azienda Usl Piacenza; Azienda Usl Reggio Emilia; Azienda Ospedaliera Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova - IRCCS Reggio Emilia; Azienda Usl Toscana Nord Ovest.
For the benefit of students, the University of Parma has taken out a two-pronged insurance policy to cover accidents occurring during the course of the various training activities envisaged in the entire Study Plan and accidents occurring 'en route' (during the journey between the trainee's home and the institution/company's premises).
All information can be found at the link: Safety and health of students in university facilities and the placement environment

Accidents during and en route to and from training activities.

What should you do if it happens?
The insurance cover provided by the University of Parma for students covers accidents occurring during the course of the training activities envisaged in the entire Programme of Study as well as accidents occurring during the journey between the trainee's home and the institution/company.
More precisely, students, within the university environment and during their placement at the affiliated Health Authorities, benefit from a double insurance coverage: one stipulated by the University of Parma with a private insurance company and one policy with INAIL, managed by the University of Parma on behalf of the State, which protects them during their placement activities.
 The trainee must immediately report the accident to the Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP), or to his or her academic tutor, in order to be eligible for benefits under either insurance cover. They must then send a copy of the documentation, i.e., the medical certificate issued by the relevant doctor/emergency room, the student accident report form and the privacy policy, complete with a report of the incident, signed by the trainee and the Coordinator/Director of the placement division, to the addresses below. 
The student accident report form and privacy policy can be downloaded online (attachment 3) by accessing the dedicated link: Guidelines for Reporting Accidents in University Facilities (Acts approved by DRD No. 1823 of 28/08/2017).
Subject: ‘accident report for midwifery placement students’ and indicate name and surname
Addresses for sending certification:
Internship Service copying in Elisabetta Balotta, Careers and Services for Students, Emanuela Fusoni, Procurement, the DADP  Neri Serena and the student's academic tutor.
Notification to the Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities, the Internship Service and the Procurement division must be made promptly, i.e. within 48 hours of the acciden

Biohazard accident

What is an accident with biological risk?
Biological risk in itself constitutes a type of risk intrinsic to healthcare activity, to which the healthcare worker may be exposed.
This risk is posed by biological agents that can be potential carriers of a vast range of infectious diseases.
A biological accident occurs in any contact with blood or other biological material, resulting from a puncture or wound with needles or other sharp objects, as well as from splashing or spillage on mucous membranes or broken skin, according to the following exposure modes:
- wound or puncture with a contaminated needle or sharps;
- contamination of mucous membranes (conjunctival, nasal, oral);
- contamination of injured skin (abrasions, cracks, dermatitis, open wounds, etc.).
What should the student do in the event of an injury with biological risk?
Follow the procedure below in a timely manner.

Workplace Safety Course

Every student enrolled on the degree course must have completed the 4 modules of the Workplace Safety Course (by 31 December) before starting the placement.
The Elly Security 2021 portal is divided into 6 fields: go to Student Courses and select Medicine and Surgery.
Please note that the student must follow the training course until the certificate is obtained for each individual module; if the course is interrupted after passing the test, the platform does not recognise the training course as completed. It is important that the new platform is accessed using Firefox.
The contact person for the FAD Workplace Safety Course for Midwifery is the academic tutor Francesca Frati to be contacted if needed.

Cartellino identificativo per Tirocinanti

Lo studente è tenuto ad esporre sul camice il cartellino identificativo durante il Tirocinio.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Sandra Cavalca

T. +39 0521 034908

President of the degree course

Prof. Tullio GHI

Faculty advisor

Dott.ssa Serena Neri

Career guidance delegate  

Dott.ssa Serena Neri

Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP)

Dott.ssa Serena Neri

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Thelma Pertinhez
E. thelma.pertinhez@unipr

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Paola Affanni


Dott.ssa Francesca Frati

Dott.ssa Martina Dardari