Learning objectives

At the end of the three-year training course, the graduate must be able to:
Manage the physical, psychological and social needs and diagnose the support needs of women, couples and communities, in the various socio-medical spheres, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge in order to respond to them with technical-scientific competence, also with regard to foreign users; Manage obstetrical-gynaecological care needs requiring preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative skills in specific ultra-specialised areas of gynaecology and obstetrics such as breast pathology, pelvic static disorders, sterility, infertility, metabolic diseases and infectious diseases etc;
Support good relations and informing with regard to the problems of family planning according to the principle of responsible motherhood and fatherhood, the birth pathway, also with regard to other ethnic groups and their cultural specificities with counselling skills;
Carry out reproductive health education interventions for women/couples and the community, with specific reference to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs);
Carry out education interventions for the prevention of neoplastic pathologies of the female genital apparatus and the attached glands, through information processes and methodologies in which one is trained (e.g. breast self-examination, Pap-test, etc.);
Manage the social-health needs of pregnant women by providing all informational-educational support aimed at removing conflictual situations in the presence of drug addiction, state of poverty, disability, etc.;
Ascertain the clinical manifestations connected with the woman's biological-sexual cycle;
Ascertain the clinical manifestations connected specifically with pregnancy;
Plan, provide and evaluate gynaecological and obstetrical-neonatal care for healthy and sick persons within a complex and integrated socio-welfare system, promote positive health lifestyles and adopt self-management and self-care oriented care systems;
Monitor maternal and foetal well-being during physiological pregnancy, during physiological childbirth and (in collaboration with the specialist doctor) in pathological situations (surveillance and care of at least 40 births);
Assisting with physiological childbirth in apex presentation (with and without support of analgesia during labour and birth) including, only where necessary, the performance of episiotomy. Collaborate with the mentor midwife in assisting delivery in abnormal cephalic presentations. Assist the doctor in breach deliveries; learning and applying obstetrical behaviours in delivery assistance aimed at preventing perineal trauma. Learn the techniques of perineal surgical repair (spontaneous lacerations and episiorrhaphy) according to Evidence-Based Medicine;
Develop relational tools aimed at improving the emotional support of pregnant women in the birth experience;
Learn and apply the use of pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques for pain management in childbirth;
Prevent, identify, monitor and manage potentially pathological situations that require medical intervention and practise, where necessary, the relevant emergency measures with the help of available equipment that one is trained to use;
Assess clinical manifestations related to gynaecological, obstetrical and neonatal pathologies, to reactions to the stage of disease, to interventions carried out in in-patient, Day-Hospital and Day-Surgery settings, as well as to home care;
Assess clinical manifestations related to the immediate, intermediate and late physiological puerperium in in-patient care, as well as home care including the assessment of infants without relevant pathologies;
Assess clinical manifestations related to the immediate, intermediate and late physiological puerperium in in-patient care, including the assessment of clinical manifestations of pre- and post-term infants weighing less than normal or with various pathologies;
Carry out planned care interventions according to the adoption of verified and verifiable guidelines based on scientific evidence (EBM/EBC);
Examine and care for the newborn infant, taking any initiative that may be necessary and, as required, carry out immediate resuscitation;
Guarantee the correct application of diagnostic-therapeutic services, in compliance with scientific principles, adapting them to the person assisted, in relation to the various priority problems of reproductive and non-reproductive health, of the woman and the couple;
Contribute to identifying, defining and organising gynaecological and obstetric care in ordinary contexts and in emergency and urgent contexts according to the priority criterion, guaranteeing continuity of care, through the optimisation of human and material resources;
Implement interventions to evaluate preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative gynaecological and neonatal services according to specific process and outcome indicators;
Possess professional and decision-making skills in designing and implementing health and sexual education interventions for women, couples and the community;
Implement interventions in support of innovative and traditional surgical procedures carried out in collaboration with medical specialists and other healthcare personnel;
Act in compliance with ethical-deontological and medico-legal principles and rules in the gynaecological-obstetrical-neonatal sphere;
Respect one's own role and competences and those of the other operators in the care unit, in accordance with the regulations in force concerning the midwife's own responsibilities and fields of action, autonomously and in collaboration with other healthcare professionals;
Use at least one European Union language, in addition to Italian, in the specific field of competence and for the exchange of general information;
Adopt counselling techniques in the various professional contexts that favour good communication with both users and co-workers.

Training programme

Training programme
Aimed at providing knowledge of the structure and function of organs and apparatuses, as well as the typology of biological phenomena, with particular reference to human reproduction and theoretical-practical notions of basic general care, obstetrical-neonatal care according to the principles of midwifery with knowledge of the needs of a multi-ethnic clientèle in the maternal-infant area aimed at creating the conditions for the first placement experience in the relevant professional fields and acquiring basic care skills.
Aimed at deepening knowledge of pathophysiology, clinical specialisation and care in the management of normal pregnancy and at-risk pregnancy and in the care of the healthy and critical new-born . Students must acquire surgical, obstetric and specialised skills in collaboration with the specialist and communication skills to pass information on to the individual, couple and community, aimed at prevention and health promotion for the woman/couple/family. The work placement experiences take place in hospital and community settings (clinics, birthing centres, districts, approved institutions) to enable the student to try out the knowledge and techniques learnt.
Aimed at deepening knowledge of oncology, endocrinology, sexology and contraception and of the anatomo-pathological pictures of gynaecological neoplasms, as well as of the principles of bioethics and the ethical and deontological rules proper to the profession of midwifery with gradually increasing autonomy of clinical judgement in the management of obstetric urgent cases and emergencies independently and in collaboration with other professionals; acquisition of methodological skills for understanding obstetric research and to support the elaboration of the final thesis. The placement becomes increasingly relevant, carried out within the 1st, 2nd and 3rd criticality level birth centres with rotations and at territorial level for independently caring for pregnant women with no known complications or risks.
The curricular logic is embodied in the progressive distribution of internship experiences, which are increased and evaluated over the three-year study period, through the achievement of the General and Specific Objectives defined for each placement area.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.medicina@unipr.it
T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Sandra Cavalca

T. +39 0521 034908
E.  didattica.dimec@unipr.it
E.  sandra.cavalca@unipr.it 

President of the degree course

Prof. Tullio GHI
E. tullio.ghi@unipr.it 

Faculty advisor

Dott.ssa Serena Neri
E. serena.neri@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate  

Dott.ssa Serena Neri
E. serena.neri@unipr.it

Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP)

Dott.ssa Serena Neri
E. serena.neri@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Thelma Pertinhez
E. thelma.pertinhez@unipr

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Paola Affanni
E. paola.affanni@unipr.it


Dott.ssa Francesca Frati
E. francesca.frati@unipr.it 

Dott.ssa Martina Dardari
E. martina.dardari@unipr.it