Teaching quality

Ensuring Quality is an indispensable process that involves all those who work in the University in which every progress of the individual brings benefits to the entire University and stimulates the healthy discussion that is necessary to aim for in order to make the social role that the University plays effective and concrete .


  • defining quality policies in harmony and synergy with the strategic directions of the University and reliable and robust procedures through which the governing bodies can implement them;
  • implementing activities to guarantee effectiveness and efficiency of all the University's internal processes, primarily at the service of the quality of training and research;
  • creating awareness among all those who work in the University so that everyone's tasks are carried out competently and promptly, the services provided are effective, and records are kept of what has been done to monitor and measure the results.

For further information on Quality Assurance, please consult this page: https://www.unipr.it/AQ

Student opinion survey questionnaire (OPIS)

The student opinion survey questionnaire (OPIS) is a tool aimed at detecting student opinion in order to improve teaching, the quality and organization of study courses and constitutes an integral part of the evaluation system; For students, this is an important opportunity to make their voice heard and actively participate in the life of their course of study, to guarantee better Quality Assurance: for this reason the University recommends completing it promptly and accurately.

For further information on the OPIS questionnaires, please consult the following page:


Organization and responsibility of the QA of the Study Course

The planning of Quality Assurance activities described on the University Quality Control page in the reference document: QA Ruoli e funzione.pdf.

In particular, the actors in the Quality Assurance process of the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics are:

- The Department Director.

Functions: he/she collaborates with the President of the Course of Studies (CdS) with the Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ) in planning the improvement actions contained in the review report and intervenes, upon request of the RAQ, to resolve any critical resource issues.

- The Medicine and Surgery Department Council.

Functions:The Council ratifies the Review Report, approves the corrective and improvement actions of the CdS, approves the resource needs for the implementation of the corrective actions and for the pursuit of teaching quality objectives.

-The  President of the Study Course.

Functions: he/she assists the Department Director, with the collaboration of the RAQ, in planning the improvement actions contained in the Review Report and approved by the Department; he/she intervenes to analyze and resolve the critical issues of individual courses together with the teachers involved, ensures that the Review Report is uploaded into the SUA of the study course and that it is sent to the University Quality Control Center (PQA) and the Joint Teaching and Student Commission (CPDS). Besides he/she intervenes promptly to resolve the critical issues reported to him/her by the RAQ during the academic year.

-The Deputy President.

Functions: in the absence of the President he/she takes over his/her functions

- The Council of the Dental Hygiene Programme.

Functions: the Council approves the Review Report drawn up by the Review Group (GdR), with regards to the training path (educational contents, programmes, curricula, study plans).

-The Review Group (GdR) is composed of the President of the Degree Course, the RAQ, the students' representation, the Course teachers and the Technical Administrative staff (educational managers). Functions:

-The Group provides for the drafting of the Review Report and the identification of improvement actions, both on an annual and multi-year basis, noting:

  • the data relating to the results of the teaching activities of the study course;
  • the opinion sheets of students, graduates, teachers and bodies and companies where students carry out internships or internships;
  • transposition of the teaching quality objectives defined by the Governing Bodies;
  • the suggestions made by the NdV and the CPDS;
  • the verification of the effectiveness of the improvement interventions adopted previously.

-The Group organizes the consultation of the interested parties for the preparation of the educational offer of the study course, collaborates in the drafting of the SUA-CdS by making the information provided in the Review Report available.

-The Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ) of the Course.

Functions: he/she assists the PCdS and the Department Director in planning improvement actions and monitors their implementation, proposes the programme of improvement actions to the CdS, monitors the correct carrying out of teaching activities and support services, including those provided in centralized mode.

-The Joint Teacher-Student Commission.

Functions: the Commission draws up a report every year in accordance with the provisions of Annex V of the ANVUR AVA document and sends it to the Presidents of the CdS relating to the Department, the Director of the Department, the University Quality Control Unit and the University Evaluation Unit , for subsequent transmission to ANVUR.

- The Technical Administrative Staff: Educational Manager

Functions: technical contact for Teaching Quality. It is specified, in particular, that the CdS has the task of planning the following ordinary management actions (activities and deadlines):

- proposal and approval of the training offer;

- drafting and approval of the study manifesto;

- proposal of teaching assignments to be approved by the department council;

- approval of the lesson timetable, the calendar of exam and graduation sessions, and thesis seminars;

- publication on the CdS web page of information of interest to students;

- entrance orientation activities;

- evaluation of incoming students: evaluation of previous careers and organization of interviews;

- organization of tutoring activities;

- activation of stage and internships;

- promotion of international mobility;

- organization of job placement initiatives;

- activities relating to the quality assurance of the CdS (Annual review report, cyclical review report and Annual Single Sheet).

Quality management is entrusted to the GdR and the RAQ of the CdS, which assists the PCdS in the implementation of the quality improvement actions decided by the CCS and monitors their implementation.

In particular the Quality Manager participates in GdR meetings, coordinates the activity of the student tutors, organizes periodic meetings with students to verify the inclusion of those enrolled, study plans and university career, as well as any problems that may arise during the year, takes care of the internal survey of student opinion within the CdS to integrate the surveys carried out by the University, verifies the publication of the programs of the individual courses, any overlaps and redundancies and the need for integration, requesting, if necessary, the convening of the Council of the Degree Course and periodically checks the CdS web page to verify compliance with the publication of notices for students and exam timetables.

At departmental level, the Steering Committee was established and is made up of:

- the Mayor of Parma;

- The General Director of the Parma Hospital Company;

- The President of the Order of Doctors and Dentists;

- The Director of ARPA of Parma;

- The Director of the Department;

- The President of the Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery;

- The President of the Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics;

- The President of the Degree Course in Prevention Techniques in Workplaces and Environments.

The purpose of the Committee is to guide the contents and methods of delivery of training activities in agreement with stakeholders.



Work scheduling and initiative implementation deadlines

The Quality assurance of the study course consists in the implementation of the QA Model proposed and coordinated by the Quality Control Unit and in the planning and implementation of the corrective actions described in the Review Report. The corrective actions under the control of the Department and/or the course of study are planned according to the organizational and management methods of the Department and/or the course of study and are coordinated and monitored by the Quality Manager. The corrective actions under the control of the University are analyzed by the Quality Control Unit and transmitted to the University Bodies which, according to ordinary organizational and management methods, arrange for their implementation.

The GdR usually meets every two months to monitor the progress of the activities aimed at improving the quality of the degree course and the Degree Course Council is informed on the progress of the monitoring. Further meetings may take place at the request of the members of the RPG itself for any urgent needs.

The minutes of the GdR meetings are kept at the Departmental Teaching Quality Service.



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student Registry Office

E. segreteria.medicina@unipr.it 

Quality Assurance Education

Education Manager :
Rag. Sabrina Ferrari
E. servizio didattica.dimec@unipr.it
E. del manager sabrina.ferrari@unipr.it 

Course President

Prof.ssa Silvia Pizzi
E. s.pizzi@unipr.it

Guidance delegates

Dott.ssa Chiara Camorali
E. chiara.camorali@unipr.it

Dott.ssa Veronica Magnani
E. veronica.magnani@unipr.it

Career guidance delegates

Dott.ssa Chiara Camorali
E. chiara.camorali@unipr.it

Dott.ssa Veronica Magnani
E. veronica.magnani@unipr.it


Dott.ssa Chiara Camorali
E. chiara.camorali@unipr.it

Dott.ssa Veronica Magnani
E. veronica.magnani@unipr.it

Erasmus Delegates

Prof. Marco Meleti
E. marco.meleti@unipr.it
Prof.ssa Elena Calciolari
E. elena.calciolari@unipr.it

Quality Assurance Delegates

Prof.ssa Silvia Pizzi 
E. s.pizzi@unipr.it

Internship Advisor

Dott.ssa Camorali Chiara
E. chiara.camorali@unipr.it