Career prospects



1- Planning, execution and monitoring of programmes for the management and conservation of natural plant and animal populations
2- Consultant for the management of conflicts between anthropic activities and natural plant and animal populations
3- Consultant for the exploitation of renewable biological resources (fishing, hunting, undergrowth products, timber, etc.)
4- Consultant for forecasting models of the impacts of climate change on the biological component of ecosystems
5- Collaboration in Environmental and Strategic Impact Assessments
6- Analysis, monitoring and assessment of the biological components of complex environmental systems (rivers, forests, agricultural soils, soils) also with the use of bio-indication
7- Teacher and educator in environmental issues
8- Scientific researcher in the ecological-evolutionary field
9- Scientific disseminator


The professional competences envisaged fall within the sphere of territorial planning, protected areas analysis, assessment and management of environmental systems demographic models for predicting the dynamics of plant and animal populations; models for estimating the dispersion of plants and animals in urbanised territories and methodologies for preventing conflicts with humans; specific skills in environmental cartography and geographic information systems; environmental data processing and integrated environmental measures; assessment of pollution and its effects; wildlife management planning, management systems and environmental certification; EIA, SEA and environmental support for spatial planning; analysis of ecosystems with biological indicators; collection and analysis of data concerning the biology of populations (censuses, reproductive patterns, prey-predator interactions); identification of factors limiting the growth of natural populations; planning of renewable resource management; analysis and management of conflict situations between farmers and wildlife; management of alien species and damage mitigation programmes.


Second-cycle degree graduates in Ecology and Ethology for Nature Conservation in the LM-6 class have employment prospects in the private and public sectors with professional outlets in the following organisations and institutions: 
- Park Authorities;
- Environmental departments of local administrations;
- Environmental services of Public Authorities and Administrations (ARPA, AUSL, regional and provincial technical services, etc.);
- Science and Natural History Museums;
- Farms implementing organic cultivation and integrated pest management;
- Environmental education services in the public and private sectors;
- Nature guides/escorts;
- Professional firms and companies involved in territorial design and planning, certification and environmental analysis;
- Companies and businesses producing goods and services;
- Research doctorates;
- Research in the field of nature (ecology, conservation biology, natural resource management) in public and/or private research bodies;
- Scientific dissemination.
In addition, graduates in possession of the ECTS credits required by current legislation will be able to take part in the tests for access to the teaching staff training courses for upper and lower secondary schools.



1- Planning, execution and monitoring of programmes for the management and conservation of animal populations
2- Consultant for the management of conflicts between anthropic activities and natural animal populations
3- Consultant for animal welfare in livestock farms, zoological parks and kennels
4- Consultant for biological and integrated pest management in agricultural and forestry systems
5- Teacher and educator for environmental issues
6- Scientific researcher in the field of zoology and evolution
7- Scientific communicator


The professional tasks listed above are characterised by the following competences:

- collection and analysis of data concerning population biology (censuses, reproductive patterns, prey-predator interactions);
- identification of factors limiting the growth of natural populations;
-wildlife management planning;
-analysis and management of conflict situations between breeders and natural predators;
-management of alien species and damage mitigation programmes;
-animal welfare analysis and implementation of environmental enrichment programmes on farms, zoos, kennels and catteries;
- design, monitoring and implementation of biological control programmes.


Second-cycle degree graduates in Ecology and Ethology for Nature Conservation in the LM-6 class have employment prospects in the private and public sectors with professional outlets in the following organisations and institutions: 
- Park Authorities;
- Environmental departments of local administrations;
- Environmental services of Public Authorities and Administrations (ARPA, AUSL, regional and provincial technical services, etc.);
- Science and Natural History Museums;
- Environmental Education services in the public and private sector;
- Nature guides/escorts;
- Professional firms and companies in the field of territorial design and planning, environmental certification and analysis;
- Companies and businesses producing goods and services;
- PhD
- Research in the field of nature (ecology, ethology, conservation biology, natural resource management) in public and/or private research bodies;
- Scientific dissemination.
In addition, graduates in possession of the ECTS credits required by current legislation will be able to take part in the tests for access to the teaching staff training courses for upper and lower secondary schools. 


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager
Dr Claudia Caselli

T. +39 0521 905663
Office E.
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Paola Maria Valsecchi

Deputy President of the degree course

Prof. Stefano Leonardi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Francesco Nonnis Marzano

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Marco Bartoli

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Michele Carbognani

Tutor students

Edoardo Cavallini