Teaching quality

Ensuring Quality is an indispensable process that involves all those who work in the University in which each individual's progress benefits the entire University and stimulates the healthy confrontation to which it is necessary to strive in order to make the social role played by the University effective and concrete.
-defining quality policies in tune and synergy with the University's strategic directions and reliable and robust procedures through which the governing bodies can implement them;
-implementing activities to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in all the University's internal processes, first and foremost in the service of the quality of education and research;
-creating awareness in all those who work in the University so that everyone's tasks are carried out competently and promptly, the services provided are effective, and a record is kept of what has been done to monitor and measure results.

For more information on Quality Assurance, please consult this page: https://www.unipr.it/AQ
Quality Assurance Office

Student Opinion Survey Questionnaire (OPIS)

The student opinion survey questionnaire (OPIS) is a tool designed to detect student opinion with a view to improving teaching, quality and the organisation of degree courses and is an integral part of the evaluation system. For students, it is an important opportunity to make their voice heard and actively participate in the life of their degree course, as a guarantee of better Quality Assurance: this is why the University recommends that it be filled in punctually and accurately.
More information on the OPIS questionnaires can be found on the following page: https://www.unipr.it/didattica/i-corsi-di-studio/compilazione-del-quest…

Organisation and responsibility for Course QA

D2 : Organisation and responsibility for QA at Course level

Course President:
Paola Maria Valsecchi
Deputy Course President:
Stefano Leonardi
The Course President, assisted by the Deputy Course President, chairs and coordinates the activities of the Course Council and participates in quality assurance committees and activities. He/she chairs the review group for the drafting of the SAS-Degree Course, the Annual Monitoring Form and the Cyclic Review document. In addition, the president collects the requests of the students directly or through the figures provided for in the regulations, the requests of the Steering Committee and individual professors by drawing up strategies and future plans for the organisation in order to maintain a high standard of cultural and professional content.
Course Council:
The Course Council consists of the official professors of the course units pertaining to the course and researchers who carry out support teaching activities for a course unit pertaining to the course, as well as a student representation of 20% of the other members.
For the purposes of Quality Assurance, the tasks of the Course Council in accordance with the University Teaching Regulations are:
- applying, as far as it is competent, the policies and general guidelines for Quality established by the Governing Bodies;
- carrying out self-assessment and review activities of its own training pathway and of the management of the Degree Course on the basis of the analyses reported in the annual report of the CPDS and of the data provided by ANVUR, the Evaluation Committee and the Organisational Unit (O.U.) Management Control, also comparing itself with similar Degree Course;
- Promoting continuous improvement and evaluating its effectiveness;
- Implementing the evaluation of teaching, according to what has been set up at the University level.
The Degree Course, through its President, is also responsible for the information reported in the ANVUR documents (SAS-Degree Course, Annual Monitoring Form, Cyclic Review Report).
Review Group (RPG):
Enrico Boselli (student)
The Review Group has the task of guiding the Degree Course towards the objective of continuous improvement of its results. The RG manages the process of self-evaluation, i.e. the process by which the DC monitors its own performance and assesses its own results, also in accordance with the guidelines established by ANVUR.
In the course of the self-assessment process, the RG examines everything that can contribute to the analysis of the results of the Degree Course and, in particular:
- the annual report provided by the reference Joint Teachers-Students Committee;
- the report from Evaluation Committee;
- the progress of the student careers;
- the availability of the context services (tutoring, internationalisation, guidance, internships etc,);
- the consultation with the socio-economic system of reference (including the Steering Committee, sector studies, specific meetings with the social partners);
- the availability of resources (human and infrastructural);
- student opinion on teaching, the organisation of the degree course and the training pathway;
- any other information provided by the QAM, the Education Manager and the Coordinator/Manager for the Quality Assurance Office.
The work of the RG takes the form of the compilation of an Annual Monitoring Form and the drafting of the Cyclical Review Report, which is discussed within the Council of the relevant Degree Courseand forwarded to the University Quality Assurance Committee and the University Evaluation Committee.
Quality Assurance Manager (QAM):
The Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) has the function of monitoring and verifying the correct implementation of the improvement actions approved by the Course Council. The QAM is identified from among the Professors of the Degree course and works in close liaison with the Review Group.
Delegate for guidance and tutoring:
Paola Maria Valsecchi
The guidance delegate has the task of coordinating all incoming orientation initiatives and representing the course of studies at these initiatives (e.g: OpenDay)
Delegate for career guidance:
Francesco Nonnis Marzano
The career guidance delegate coordinates the activities of the Steering Committee in order to monitor a continuous correspondence between the training received and the professional requirements of the world of work. It also directs graduates towards possible job opportunities and postgraduate internship and PhD.
Steering Committee Ecology and Ethology for Nature Conservation
Internal members
External members representatives of:
Ente Gestione Parchi e Biodiversita Emilia Occidentale
Parco Nazionale Appennino Tosco-Emiliano Bioprogramm-Biotecnologie Avanzate e Tecniche Ambientali soc. coop r.l.
Parco Natura Viva - Centre for the Protection of Endangered Species - Garda Zoological Park S.r.l.
ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale
Director of the Nature Conservation Section of LIPU
Studio GEco - Reggio Emilia
Contact person for students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties (SpLD) or belonging to vulnerable groups:
Paola Goffrini
Student representatives:
Enrico Boselli
Riccardo Bonini
Student Tutor:
Edoardo Cavallini


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.scienze@unipr.it
T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager
Dr Claudia Caselli

T. +39 0521 905663
Office E. didattica.scvsa@unipr.it
Manager E. claudia.caselli@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof. Paola Maria Valsecchi

Deputy President of the degree course

Prof. Stefano Leonardi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Francesco Nonnis Marzano

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Marco Bartoli

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Michele Carbognani

Tutor students

Edoardo Cavallini