cod. 1002756

Academic year 2012/13
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Campi elettromagnetici (ING-INF/02)
Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni
Type of training activity
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding
The course gives an understanding of fiber optic technology and its related devices for WDM telecommunication systems. The most important devices, as lasers, optical amplifiers, photoreceivers, couplers, gratins are deeply analyzed.
New approaches and analysis tools will be provided as long as important novelty in the field of photonics and optoelectronics.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding
- analysis and description of the architecture of an optical fiber telecommunication system;
- evaluate the main characteristics and specifications of the main photonic devices;
- find the solutions for the Project of optical fibers and photonic devices for several applications.



Course unit content

The course gives an understanding of fiber optic technology and its related devices for WDM telecommunication systems. The main devices as lasers, optical amplifiers, optical couplers, gratings will be deeply analyzed. New approaches and analysis tools will be provided as long as important novelty in the field of photonics and optoelectronics.

Full programme

• Simmetric slab.
• Optical fiber. Numerical aperture. V-number. Fractional refractive index difference. Step-index fiber. TE, TM, EH e HE guided modes. Weakly guiding fiber. LP guided modes. Power confinement factor and its dependence on V-number. Gaussian approximation: spot size and mode field diameter. Graded index and matched cladding fibers.
• Fiber trasmissive properties: attenuation. Intrinsic and extrinsic attenuation causes. Rayleigh scattering. Macro and micro-bending losses. Ultra violet and infra-red absorption. Data sheets of commercial fiber types.
• Fiber trasmissive properties: dispersione in fibra. Intermodal and Intramodal dispersion. Cromatic Dispersion. Dispersion Shifted Fibers (DSFs), Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Fibers (NZDSFs), Dispersion Compensating Fibers (DCFs). Example of a DCF design.
• Plastic optical fibers: material, attenuation, core and del cladding diamaters.
• Optical amplification principles. Population rate equations. Four, three and two levels systems. Propagation rate equations. Absorption and gain coefficient.
• Rare earth doped fiber amplifies. Design, schemes, forward and backward pumping, gain, noise figure. Evolution of signals, pumps and ASE powers along the fiber.
• C, L, and S band optical amplification. Silicate, tellurite and florurate fibers. Fiber lasers.
• Semiconductor optical amplifiers.
• Light emitting diode (LED) e Laser. Designs and physical operation principles.
• Single longitudinal mode lasers. DFB e DBR. Tunable lasers..
• Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) Performances and advantages.
• Receivers. Photodetectors.
• Photodiodes. PIN, Avalanches photodiodes. Noise sources.
• Passive Components. Couplers/splitters. Wavelength Division Multiplexers and Demultiplexers (WDM MUXs/DEMUXs). Isolators, Circulators and Attenuators.
• Bragg gratings in optical fiber and dielectric waveguide. Couple mode theory. Applications to reflectors, wavelength selectors, dispersion compensation, add-drop filters.
• Directional couplers in optical fiber and dielectrid waveguide.
• Reflection gratings. Optical spectrum analysers. Fabry-Perot cavity. Interferometers.
• Mach-Zehnder interferometer filters. Splitters and star-couplers, multiplexer and demultiplexer. • Plane waves in anisotropic media; ordinary and extraordinary waves. Magneto-optic devices, phase retarders, polarizers, isolators and circulators; applications.
• Optical modulators. Electroabsorption, electrooptic and acustooptic modulators. Applications; optical switches, wavelength converters.
• Photonic crystals and band gap. Definition, technology and structures.
• Photonic crystal based devices: waveguides, junctions, curves, filters, couplers.
• Photonic crystal fibers and holey fibers. Definition, fabrication technology, applications in telecommunications; performances. Source coherence; spatial and temporal coherence.
• Finite Methods; the finite difference and the finite element method, the mode matching


S. Selleri, L. Vincetti, A. Cucinotta, "Componenti ottici e fotonici ", Società Editrice Esculapio, 2012
D.K. Mynbaev, L.L. Scheiner, "Fiber-Optic Communications Technology“, Prentice Hall, 2001.
P. Bassi, G. Bellanca, G. Tartarini, "Propagazione ottica libera e guidata", Clueb, 1999.
J. M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications”, Prentice Hall, 1992.

Teaching methods

Lessons will be given by the teacher on the blackboard as well as by multimedia presentations. Classroom exercises will be carried out in preparation of the exam. More than 10 hours will be reserved for experimental laboratory activities and the training in the use of commercial software.

Assessment methods and criteria

A written exam and an oral exam.
During the lesson period there will be two written tests, if the student passes these tests, he/she will be exempted from the written exam.

Other information

The educational material is available at the web site

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