cod. 13172

Academic year 2007/08
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Tecnologia dell'architettura (ICAR/12)
Architettura e urbanistica
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: LABORATORY FOR CONSTRUCTION III

Learning objectives

Workshop activities are designed with the aim of supplying a “sensitivity” to problems deriving from the interaction between the structural system of the building with the architectural design aspects: the aim is to be able to consider the design activity not as exclusively limited to individual parts quite separate from each other, but as part of an organic whole in which reciprocal interferences must be dealt with, mitigated and resolved. The final aim is to make students understand what and how many constraints there are to be taken into consideration during the design activity, with particular reference to the technological component in constant, continuous evolution, also supplying a “reasoned” approach methodology for identifying and solving consequent problems.


Course unit content

Introduction to the main themes that will be analysed, indication of laboratory objectives and organization. Building aspects regarding the different types of floor that can be used in civil buildings: brick-cement floors. Building aspects regarding the interaction of masonry walls with floors: reinforced concrete stringcourses. Building aspects regarding the different types of floor that can be used in civil buildings: timber floors. Building aspects regarding the different types of floor that can be used in civil buildings: steel floors. Building aspects regarding the foundations: typologies and their interaction with masonry and with reinforced concrete and steel structures. Practice exercise: brick-cement floors. Building aspects regarding the different structural types of roofing: brick-cement roofing. Practice exercise: timber floors. Building aspects regarding the different structural types of roofing: timber roofing. Practice exercise: steel floors. Building aspects regarding brick masonry. Practice exercise: brick-cement roofing. Building aspects regarding brick masonry. Practice exercise: timber roofing. Building aspects regarding brick masonry. Practice exercise: steel roofing. Building aspects regarding buildings with reinforced concrete load-bearing structure. Practice exercise: masonry walls. Building aspects regarding buildings with steel load-bearing structure (notes). Practice exercise: masonry walls. Building aspects connected with waterproofing: vertical surfaces. Practice exercise: foundations. Building aspects connected with waterproofing: horizontal surfaces. Practice exercise: foundations. Revision of the design drawings regarding the reference design proposed by the students. Advantages and disadvantages of the possible technological structural choices in relation to aspects of durability and maintenance over time of the building structure. Practice exercise: waterproofing on vertical surfaces. Revision of the design drawings regarding the reference design proposed by the students. Building aspects regarding interference with installation components (notes). Practice exercise: waterproofing on horizontal surfaces. Revision of the design drawings regarding the reference design proposed by the students. Structural rehabilitation techniques, restoration of deteriorated elements, analysis of the state of deterioration. Revision of the design drawings regarding the reference design proposed by the students.

Full programme

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Il nuovo manuale dell'architetto, Coordinatore Bruno Zevi, Mancosu Editore. Costruire a regola d'arte,Franco Landini, Riccardo Roda, BE-MA editrice. La concezione strutturale nel progetto dell'architettura - Manuali di rassegna, Enzo Siviero, Andrea Benedetti, Editrice Compositori (BO). La realizzazione di murature in laterizio, Norberto Tubi, Edizioni Laterconsult. Tecnica delle costruzioni in legno - quinta edizione, Guglielmo Giordano, con la collaborazione di Ario Ceccotti e Luca Uzielli, Editore Ulrico Hoepli Milano

Teaching methods

Theoretical lectures and exercises The examination consists of the discussion of the work done during the course and revised during the exercise sessions.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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