cod. 12698

Academic year 2012/13
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Automatica (ING-INF/04)
"ingegneria dell'automazione"
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course is focused on the study of the industrial robotic manipulators. More precisely, the kinematics, the dynamics and the control of robotic manipulators are deeply investigated. The trajectory planning problem is analyzed and several planning schemes are proposed.


Suggested prerequisites:
Controlli Automatici

Course unit content

- Introduction to industrial robotics.
Basic concepts on the mechanics and control of robotic manipulators.

- Reference systems and transformations.
Description of joints positions and orientations. The rotational matrix. Translational and rotational operators. Minimum-order orientation notations: Fixed angles, Euler angles, angle-axis representation, Euler parameters. Computational considerations.

- Direct kinematics.
Classification and description of robotic joints. Description of the links position and orientation: the modified Denavit-Hartenberg notation. The homogeneous transformation matrix. Joint space, operational space and manipulator workspace.

- Inverse kinematics.
The solvability of the inverse kinematics problem. Geometric and algebraic solutions.

- Differential kinematics and static forces.
Rigid bodies linear and angular velocities. The Jacobian matrix and its properties. Manipulator static forces: the forward recursive algorithm and the Jacobian approach.

- Dynamics.
The inertia tensor matrix. Bodies center of mass. Inverse dynamics: the Newton-Euler backward recursive formulation. Direct dynamics: solution by means of simulation programs.

- Control.
Individual-joint PID control with or without gravity compensation. Dynamic inversion-based control techniques. Torque feedforward control with feedback compensation.

- Trajectory planning.
Joint space trajectories. Point-to-point and multipoint trajectory generation using cubic polynomials. Point-to-point and multipoint trajectory generation using linear-quadratic functions. Operational space trajectories. Kinematics singularities.

Full programme

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C. Guarino Lo Bianco, `` Analisi e controllo dei manipolatori industriali“, seconda edizione, Pitagora editrice, Bologna,Italia 2011.
L.Sciavicco e B.Siciliano, ``Robotica industriale: modellistica, pianificazione e controllo'', terza edizione, McGraw-Hill Italia, 2008.
J.Craig, ``Introduction to Robotics'', terza edizione, Pearson, 2005.

Teaching methods

Oral lessons,
Several exercitations are scheduled in the Didactical Lab in order to simulate the control of an industrial manipulator.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final test is divided into two written parts: in the first part the student has to solve the direct and the inverse kinematics of a manipulator, while in the second part he has to answer to questions concerning the course theoretical arguments.
Several intermediate tests are carried out during the lessons period.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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