cod. 20473

Academic year 2007/08
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The student must achieve adequate knowledge to evaluate the patient undergoing dental surgery in terms of perioperative risk;recognize concomitant diseases and their implication for the choice of the anesthesia technique;recognize and treat clinical situations requiring the advice of a specialist; evaluate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic implications of the choice of the local anesthetic and/or adjuvant for regional anesthesia techniques; achieve adequate knowledge of techniques and indications of different regional anesthesia technique for dental surgery, with specific indications and contraindications; manage adequately postoperative pain; be confident with basic principles of conscious sedation and patient monitoring; be aware and know the management of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and Basic Life Support techniques.



Course unit content

<br /><br /><br />Anesthetic approach to dental surgery: evaluation of perioperative risk, choice of the anesthesia technique and postoperative pain treatment; choice of the process (ambulatory, out-patient, in-patient).<br />Evaluation of preoperative risk: concomitant diseases<br />Treatment of the ambulatory patient: indications and contraindications.<br />Regional anesthesia: techniques, materials, and drugs for dental regional anesthesia<br />pharmacology of local anesthetic: mechanism of action, metabolism, toxicity, use of adjuvants for local anesthesia.<br />Techniques of regional anesthesia for dental surgery.<br />complications of regional anesthesia for dental surgery: diagnosis and treatment.<br />Ambulatory anesthesia and conscious sedation: indications and contraindications; techniques and drugs.<br />Risk prevention and management in dental anesthesia:      <br />conscious sedation: application for dental anesthesia<br /><br />Emergency during ambulatory dental surgery: hypotension, respiratory failure, allergic reactions, seizures.<br />How to manage emergencty complications during ambulatory dental surgery: drugs, devices, and organization.<br />Cardiac arrest: etiology, physiopathology, epidemiology and treatment.<br />Basic and Advanced Life Support techniques.<br />Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - Principles of mechanical ventilation. <br />cardiac arrithmias: etiology. physiopathology,epidemiology and treatment.<br /> <br /> <br />

Full programme

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<br />G.Manani “Anestesia Odontostomatologica” Ed. Liviana Medicina, Napoli 1994Other references will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

The didactic methodology will be based on frontal lessons as well as on the discussion of clinical cases with direct interaction with the teacher. the evaluation of the student will be based on an oral examination with the analysis of a practical clinical scenrario.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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